Hank Green to present in the Sonic Speaker Series

Green_Profile_Pic_1SONIC lab is proud to welcome Hank Green, who will present a talk on Thursday, April 11, 2013 (04:00-05:15pm) in the Stamler Conference Room (680 N Lakeshore Drive, 14th floor), Chicago Campus. All are welcome to attend.

About The Talk: Applying Network Science: An Evolving Perspective

While opinion leader and other peer­based interventions are firmly established in public health research contexts where we seek to impact individuals’ behaviors, developments in network analytic methods have led to changes in the way we understand peer influence and selection processes and in the way we can apply network studies for intervention development. I will present my framework for understanding network­based interventions and describe how that framework has evolved in light of new network statistical approaches. I will illustrate this evolutionary process with examples of cross­sectional and longitudinal studies that link individual behaviors and attitudes to network structure and composition. I conclude with some discussions of future directions in research and in application.

About Hank Green

Harold D. Green, Jr. (Hank) is a Senior Behavioral Scientist at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, where he is the coordinator of the RAND Applied Network Analysis Research Group. Hank uses network analyses to understand the social and cultural determinants of health. In addition to his applied work, Hank is active in designing and implementing specialized software for the collection of longitudinal personal network data via the Internet. He holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Florida and is an Alumnus of the University of Illinois Training Grant in Quantitative Psychology, of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications Center for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and of the Science of Networks in Communities Research Group.

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