New NSF funded project!

Excited to share that we have a new project funded by the National Science Foundation to study teaming in the time of Covid-19: understanding how technology affordances can enable collaboration during sudden workplace disruption.

Congratulations to PIs Noshir Contractor, co-I Leslie DeChurch, and collaborators Paul Leonardi, Jackie Ng Lane, and Michael Johnson!

Read more about the project here:

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CSCW 2020 Paper acceptance

Sharing some wonderful news – We have a paper accepted to CSCW 2020!! Congrats to lead author Diego Gómez-Zará and his co-authors Dr. Leslie DeChurch and Dr. Noshir Contractor.


The paper is titled “Model of Online Team Assembly (MOTA): A Conceptual Framework for Understanding How Teams Emerge in Online Spaces.” Can’t wait to share it with everyone soon!

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Won Top 4 paper at NCA Group Communication Division

Our paper “Dynamics of Processes and Performance of Teams using Enterprise Social Media” won the National Communication Association (NCA) Top 4 Paper Award from the Group Communication Division! Congrats to authors Yuanxin Wang, Noshir Contractor, Leslie DeChurch, Jiawei Zhang and Zijun Ding!

Watch a full recording of the presentation below:

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SONIC Sunbelt Presentations 2020

Delighted to share that we have 5 presentations accepted at Sunbelt 2020! While this year the conference was virtual, we had a wonderful time presenting our research. Cited below are conference presentations we shared:

Learn more about Sunbelt 2020 events: 

Zurek, M., Harris, M., Johnson, J., N. S., DeChurch, L. A., Contractor, N. S. (2020, July 13-17). Bridging Analog Environments: comparison of group dynamics and cohesion between the human exploration research analog (HERA) and over-wintering Antarctic stations. Virtual Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)

Johnson, J., Zurek, M., Contractor, N. S., DeChurch, L. A. (2020, July 13-17). The Social Network Ecology of Small Groups in Isolated and Confined Environments [Conference presentation]. Virtual Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).

Antone, B., Néray, B., Munar, W., Koskinen, J., & Contractor, N. S. (2020, July 13-17). Missing Tie Imputation in Sparse Networks with Ego-Centric Responses [Conference presentation]. Virtual Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).

Lungeanu, A., Whalen, R., Wu, Y. J., DeChurch L. A., & Contractor N. S. (2020, July 13-17). Text and Networks: Mapping changes in the expertise diversity of patent teams [Conference presentation]. Virtual Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).

Tanaka, K., DeChurch, L. A., & Contractor, N. S. (2020, July 13-17). Origins of network acuity: Who has an ability to efficiently use their awareness of the group communication network [Conference presentation]. Virtual Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).

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Noshir Contractor Delivered Webinar for Master of Science (MSC) in Communication program at Northwestern University

Noshir teaches “Understanding and Leveraging Networks” in both the CLP and HLP programs within MSC. On July 15th, he delivered a webinar to admitted and incoming MSC students to share his research interests in the study of the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of dynamically linked social and knowledge networks within communities. He also spoke about his background, his teaching philosophy, and his experience teaching and getting to know students in the MSC program.

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Papers accepted at NCA!

This cycle we have 2 paper accepted at NCA. One led by graduate student Diego Góméz-Zará titled “Do I know you? The effects of offline social capital in self-assembled teams online.” The other,  led by our former visiting scholar Yuanxin Wang, PhD student at Peking University, titled: “Dynamics of processes and performance of teams using enterprise social media.”

Congratulations to authors Diego Góméz-Zará, Yuanxin Wang,  Noshir Contractor, Leslie DeChurch, Jiawei (Tony) Zhang, Steven Ding, and Rustom Ichhaporia!

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