Call for Papers and Abstracts:
The Near Future of Work: Supporting Digital and Remote Collaboration in COVID and Beyond
A Workshop at the 13th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2021)
June 21st or June 22nd
The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us an opportunity to participate in a global “beta-test” of web-only-based remote work. The workshop will reflect on the changing nature of work, identify factors that explain these changes, and how we can learn from the “new” normal to prepare for a better “next” normal. By doing so this workshop seeks to facilitate multidisciplinary dialog as well as theory and research examining challenges and opportunities stemming from digital and remote work on the Web. Topics relevant to this workshop include, but are not limited to: remote work, virtual teaming, enterprise social media (ESM), computer-supported cooperative work, digital platforms, human-AI teaming, work in the gig economy, crowdsourced labor, work-life balance in the digital age, the well-being of remote workers, and workplace communication technology. We especially welcome findings of remote work and digital collaboration that are relevant in the aftermath of COVID-19 (but not necessarily relying on COVID-19 related data).
Important Dates:
- Full papers – Submission deadline: April 23rd , Camera-ready papers: May 16th
- Abstracts for lightning talks – Submission deadline: May 17th