Population structured by witchcraft beliefs

Anthropologists have long argued that fear of victimization through witchcraft accusations promotes cooperation in small-scale societies. Others have argued that witchcraft beliefs undermine trust and therefore reduce social cohesion. However, there are very few, if any, quantified empirical examples demonstrating how witchcraft labels can structure cooperation in real human communities. Here we show a case from a farming community in China where people labelled zhu were thought capable of supernatural activity, particularly poisoning food. The label was usually applied to adult women heads of household and often inherited down the female line. We found that those in zhuhouseholds were less likely to give or receive gifts or farm help to or from non-zhu households; nor did they have sexual partnerships or children with those in non-zhu households. However, those in zhuhouseholds did preferentially help and reproduce with each other. Although the tag is common knowledge to other villagers and used in cooperative and reproductive partner choice, we found no evidence that this assortment was based on cooperativeness or quality. We favour the explanation that stigmatization originally arose as a mechanism to harm female competitors. Once established, fear that the trait is transmissible may help explain the persistence of this deep-rooted cultural belief.

Source: Nature

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Scale-free Networks Are Rare

Recently Aaron Clauset and his colleague share their new study: “Scale-free networks are rare”. In this study, they found scale-free network structure is not so prevalent based on their statistical analyses of almost 1000 network datasets across different domains. In particular, their results indicate only 4% of the datasets showing the strongest-possible evidence of scale-free structure and 52% demonstrating the weakest-possible evidence.

Additionally, this study has invoked intense conversations over Twitter. For instance, Laszlo Barabasi retweeted Aaron Caluset’s tweet, saying “Every 5 years someone is shocked to re-discover that a pure power law does not fit many networks. True: Real networks have predictable deviations. Hence forcing a pure power law on these is like…fitting a sphere to the cow. Sooner or later the hoof will stick out.”

Link to the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.03400

Link to Barabasi’s retweet: https://twitter.com/barabasi/status/952920675592953856

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SONIC welcomes Kitty Cheung

We are delighted to welcome Kitty Cheung as a post-baccalaureate researcher working with SONIC and ATLAS research groups at Northwestern University. Kitty received her undergrad at Northeastern University where she worked with Professor Brooke Foucault-Welles, a SONIC alum. During her six months with us, Kitty will research how startup teams assemble and how this impacts their future success.

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Paper accepted for publication in the journal “Complexity”

A paper co-authored by SONIC’s Yun Huang and Noshir Contractor was accepted for publication in a special issue of the journal Complexity on “Emerging Applications of Complex Networks.”

Sha, Z., Huang, Y., Fu, J.S., Wang, M., Fu, Y., Contractor, N., & Chen, W. (in press). A Network-Based Approach to Modeling and Predicting Product Co-Consideration Relations. Special issue of the journal Complexity on “Emerging Applications of Complex Networks.”

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A Mechanistic Model of Human Network Recall

Recently, Omodei, Brashears, and Arenas published a paper about describing a mechanistic model of human network recall and demonstrate its sufficiency for capturing human recall behavior based on experimental data. They found that human recall is based on accurate recall of a hub of high degree actors and also uses compression heuristics (i.e., schemata simplifying the encoding and recall of social information) for both structural and affective information.

The original paper is here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-17385-z

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A manifesto for reproducible science

Improving the reliability and efficiency of scientific research will increase the credibility of the published scientific literature and accelerate discovery. Here we argue for the adoption of measures to optimize key elements of the scientific process: methods, reporting and dissemination, reproducibility, evaluation and incentives. There is some evidence from both simulations and empirical studies supporting the likely effectiveness of these measures, but their broad adoption by researchers, institutions, funders and journals will require iterative evaluation and improvement. We discuss the goals of these measures, and how they can be implemented, in the hope that this will facilitate action toward improving the transparency, reproducibility and efficiency of scientific research.

Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-016-0021

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SONIC Speaker Series Presents: Esther Sackett – December 7, 2pm

The SONIC Speaker Series presents

Esther Sackett

Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Expertise Awareness in Multi-Organizational Collaboration: The Role of Goal Awareness

SONIC Lab is proud to welcome Esther Sackett of the Northwestern University. Dr. Sackett will speak on Thursday, December 7th, 2017 at 2 PM in Frances Searle Building, Room 1-483. Please contact Dr. Michael Schultz with any questions.



Multistakeholder alliances typically have dual purposes that are often in tension – 1) pooling knowledge and resources toward a collaborative goal, and 2) engaging in knowledge transfer by leveraging knowledge and resources for each individual organization’s benefit. However, research has also demonstrated that these dual purposes are also quite intertwined, as members’ sustained engagement in the alliance over time depends on the perceived value of participation in terms of meeting their own organization’s needs. Inherent in the structure of multistakeholder alliances and their dual purposes is an implicit assumption: that the distributed expertise in a multistakeholder alliance is available for the pursuit of both collaborative goals and knowledge transfer. However, each of these goals may actually require access to different sets of expertise. Thus, a potentially overlooked mechanism for overcoming the challenges of balancing the dual purposes of multistakeholder alliances may reside in the relationships between the goals being pursued and the mechanisms for accessing the expertise needed to address them. Building on the framework of transactive memory systems, I use a qualitative approach to explore the factors that contribute to the development of expertise awareness, goal awareness, and the relationship between them in a multistakeholder alliance in the healthcare sector.


Stream the talk here:

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