Noshir Contractor and Kyosuke Tanaka presented their research at #ICA2018

Noshir Contractor and Kyosuke Tanaka presented their research at the 68th Annual Conference of International Communication Association in Prague, the Czech Republic:

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Modeling the diffusion of complex innovations as a process of opinion formation through social networks

A new research article by Valentina Assenova demonstrates how innovations diffuse through networks. Her model incorporates opinion formation processes that occur through diffusion. She also tested her model with diffusion data from a field experiment previously collected in India (Banerjee et al., 2013).

The research article is published in PLoS One:

A podcast about the article is here:


Banerjee A, Chandrasekhar AG, Duflo E, Jackson MO. The Diffusion of Microfinance. Science. 2013;341(6144):1236498. pmid:23888042

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Yuan Li successfully defends dissertation on leveraging meta data and topology to infer the role that a node plays in the network

Yuan successfully defended his dissertation titled “Inference in heterogeneous network”.  His research leverages meta data, namely node attributes and dyadic attribute, and topology to infer the role that a node plays in the network.  His committee consisted of Noshir Contractor, Wenxin Jiang, and Bruce Spencer.  Upon graduating with a PhD in Statistics, Yuan will work at Google’s Search Team as a Data Scientist.

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Alexandros Nathan successfully defends dissertation on methodological and applied facets of machine learning

Alexandros successfully defends his dissertation titled “Essays in Machine Learning, Social Networks and Marketing”.  He designed novel distributed optimization algorithms and investigated problems that lie at the interface of social networks, and marketing, with an emphasis on customer retention and new product adoption. His committee consisted of Noshir Contractor, Diego Klabjan, and Brian Uzzi.

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Jacqueline Ng successfully defends dissertation on how teams form and what they need to perform

Jackie successfully defended her dissertation titled “Teams and Organizing in the Digital Age:  How Team Networks Form and Why They Perform”.  Her research explores the relationship between how teams form and what they need to perform, highlighting a paradox between what teams do and what they ought to do.  Her committee consisted of Noshir Contractor (Chair), Jeanne Brett, Leslie DeChurch, Seyed Iravani, and Brian Uzzi.

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SONIC Speaker Series welcomes Prasad Balkundi in April 2018

Despite a resurgence of research on negative ties in social networks, a comprehensive understanding of negative and positive has yet to be provided. Incorporating evidence from prior 163 independent samples we examine whether the initiation of positive and negative relationships (i.e., out-degree) or the reception of positive and negative relationships (i.e., in-degree) is more impactful to the focal employee’s effectiveness. Furthermore, to address the negative asymmetry hypothesis in social networks, we compare the relative importance of positive versus negative work relationships while holding the directionality constant. This meta-analytic review makes five contributions to theory on negative and positive social networks by (a) demonstrating the undermining impact of negative ties on performance and job attitudes; (b) providing information on the negative asymmetry hypothesis within social networks to reveal that negative ties occur less frequently than positive ties and that any asymmetry effects depend on the relative number of negative ties to positive ties in the context; (d) distinguishing between haters (senders of negative ties) and jerks (receivers of negative ties) to illustrate that haters have worse job attitudes than jerks, but the two do not differ on performance; and (e) providing positive and negative affect as antecedents to negative ties. Implications of these findings along with study limitations and future research directions are discussed.​

The full video of Prasad’s presentation can be found here.


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Noshir Contractor participates in the induction of IIT Madras’ Robert Bosch Center for Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

On April 25th 2018, Noshir Contractor participated in ceremonies to induct IIT Madras’ Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence as the first member of the Web Science Trust Network (WSTNet) of laboratories from India.


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