SONIC’s paper published in Communication Methods and Measures

A paper co-authored by SONIC’s Alina Lungeanu, Noshir Contractor, ATLAS’ Leslie DeChurch, and UGA’s Dorothy Carter was published in the journal Communication Methods and Measures.

Lungeanu, A., Carter, D. R., DeChurch, L. A., & Contractor, N. S. (2018). How Team Interlock Ecosystems Shape the Assembly of Scientific Teams: A Hypergraph Approach. Communication Methods and Measures, 1-25.

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SONIC hosts a Relational Event Modeling research incubator

SONIC hosted a Relational Event Modeling research incubator on Feb 23rd and Feb 24th where 10 researchers from the US Army Research Lab, Stanford, University of Georgia, Purdue and Northwestern discussed how recent advances in relational event modeling can be leveraged to address their research questions and how novel research questions can in turn prompt methodological advances in relational event modeling.

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SONIC welcomes Cristina Casareale

SONIC welcomes Cristina Casareale, a visiting Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Protection at the Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy). During her 6 month visit, Cristina will work with SONIC to study the networks among the key players involved in response to the 2012 Costa Concordia maritime disaster.

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SONIC will present at the ICA in May 2018

Two SONIC papers will be presented at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association in Prague, the Czech Republic on the 24-28 of May 2018.

Tanaka, K., DeChurch, L., & Contractor, N. (2018, May). Origins of omission and commission errors in perceptions of group communication networks.

Schultz, M., DeChurch, L., & Contractor, N. (2018, May). Communicating through space and over time.


Also, Noshir will participate on a panel titled “Professor as entrepreneur: opportunities and risk.” The title of his presentation is Why inhaling digital exhaust is taking organizational performance and the science of communication and technology to new highs.



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Diego Gómez-Zará presents at Kellogg Enlace

On January 30th, 2018, the Ph.D. Student Diego Gómez-Zará presented at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This talk was organized by the program ENLACE

Diego’s talk was titled “The Role of Social Movements in Twitter: Evidence from the Chilean Student Movement.” He presented the current role of organizations in social media. In the digital era, organizations have become active actors, where they must motivate, interact, and engage with their audiences permanently.

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SONIC welcomes Kitty Cheung

We are delighted to welcome Kitty Cheung as a post-baccalaureate researcher working with SONIC and ATLAS research groups at Northwestern University. Kitty received her undergrad at Northeastern University where she worked with Professor Brooke Foucault-Welles, a SONIC alum. During her six months with us, Kitty will research how startup teams assemble and how this impacts their future success.

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Paper accepted for publication in the journal “Complexity”

A paper co-authored by SONIC’s Yun Huang and Noshir Contractor was accepted for publication in a special issue of the journal Complexity on “Emerging Applications of Complex Networks.”

Sha, Z., Huang, Y., Fu, J.S., Wang, M., Fu, Y., Contractor, N., & Chen, W. (in press). A Network-Based Approach to Modeling and Predicting Product Co-Consideration Relations. Special issue of the journal Complexity on “Emerging Applications of Complex Networks.”

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