Contractor Completes Teaching Class at the University of Science and Technology of China

Noshir Contractor recently completed teaching a Social Network Analysis class at the University of Science and Technology of China. The class was co-taught by SONIC alumnus Mengxiao Zhu, who is now a distinguished scholar at University of Science and Technology of China. The class was TA’ed by Jasmine Wu and Ruoxiao Su. The course explored the use of social network analysis to understand the growing connectivity and complexity in the world around us on different scales – ranging from small groups to the World Wide Web. Check out this Zoom image from a session!


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Contractor on Panel Discussion for Data Science & Engineering at Northwestern

On March 4th, Noshir Contractor was involved in a Data Science & Engineering Panel Discussion for undergraduate students. The goal of this panel was to highlight some of the data-oriented projects that McCormick faculty engage in, and to bring light to opportunities available for students with an interest in data science. If you are interested in learning more about data science opportunities at SONIC, please visit the Join Us tab of our website!

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