Noshir Contractor elected as 2019 AAAS Fellow

We are delighted to share that Noshir Contractor has been elected as 2019 fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is recognized for intellectual leadership in the development of computational social science and web science and his contributions to network science theory and methodology. He will be honored on Feb 15 at the 2020 AAAS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington.

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SONIC Speaker Series Presents: David Krackhardt

We are delighted to invite Professor David Krackhardt to present a webcast on An Introduction to the Power of Networks in Organizations tomorrow (Friday), Nov 22nd, 2-3pm during livestream:


David Krackhardt is Professor of Organizations at the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management and the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. Prior appointments include faculty positions at Cornell’s Graduate School of Management, the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business, INSEAD (France) and the Harvard Business School. He received a BS degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a PhD from the University of California, Irvine. Over the past 15 years, his research has focused on how the theoretical insights and methodological innovations of network analysis can enhance our understanding of how organizations function. He pioneered the concept of “cognitive social structures”, wherein individuals provide their perceptions of the entire network in which they are embedded. He empirically has related these perceived structures to turnover, reputations and power in organizations. Another interest of his has been in developing methodologies for better understanding networks and their implications. His contributions in this arena include adapting the quadratic assignment procedure to multiple regression analyses of network data. In addition, he has developed methods drawing from graph theory for studying the shape and structure of organizations as a whole.

His published works have appeared in a variety of journals in the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and management. His current research agenda includes developing models of diffusion of controversial innovations, exploring and testing visual representations of networks, identifying effective leverage points for organizational change, and exploring the roles of Simmelian (super-strong) ties in organizations. Prof. Krackhardt was born in 1950 in Massachusetts. He is married with three children.

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Jasmine and Carmen presents at NCA 2019

Our lab members, Jasmine and Carmen are going to present at NCA 2019 for a paper they wrote on how avatar gender affects female participant’s negotiation style and outcomes in an online environment. This work was based on their undergraduate research at Cornell University. The presentation will be Sunday 11/11, 11am, and the paper was awarded the Best Student Paper at the Organizational Communication Division!

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Gómez-Zará presents at CSCW 2019

Diego Gómez-Zará, one of our Ph.D. students, will present with Alexa Harris their work “Joining Together Online: The Trajectory of CSCW Scholarship on Group Formation.” This paper consists of a systematic literature review of CSCW scholarship on group formation. Their presentation will be on November 12th, in Austin, Texas.

Harris, Alexa M., Diego Gómez-Zará, Leslie A. DeChurch, and Noshir S. Contractor. 2019. “Joining Together Online: The Trajectory of CSCW Scholarship on Group Formation.” Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW): 148.

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Congrats, Jasmine and Carmen!

SONIC would like to congratulate Jasmine (1st year PhD student at MTS Program) and Carmen (Lab manager) on winning Best Student Paper in Group Communication Division at NCA 2019!

Their paper “Effects of Avatar Gender on Negotiation in a Virtual Environment” was written with another student, Cordelia, when they were all undergraduate students at Cornell University.

Details regarding their abstract and presentation can be found here:

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Noshir Contractor shares insights with the National Intelligence Science and Technology Committee (NISTC)

On October 17, 2019, the National Academies hosted one of the meetings of the science and technology chiefs of the 17 national security intelligence agencies and associates, convened as the National Intelligence Science and Technology Committee (NISTC). The meeting gives the NISTC an opportunity to learn about National Academies’ capabilities and activities that may be relevant to Intelligence Community (IC) interests.

During that day, Noshir was invited to speak about and contributed his insights regarding Trust and AI.

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Noshir presents keynote at Connected Commons

Describing how organizations can mine their “digital exhaust” to address critical HR challenges, Noshir Contractor recently presented keynote “Understanding & Enabling The  Future of Work” at The Connected Commons’s Fall Summit. The Connected Commons is a consortium of diverse organizations co-managed by Rob Cross and i4cp.

For more details, please refer to the agenda:

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SONIC at OCMC 2019: Highlights

SONIC had the pleasure to attend OCMC 2019 at University of Illinois. Below are a few highlights:

Left to Right: Noshir, Kyosuke, Yuanxin, Rustom, Diego
Diego presenting his research, “The Diversity Paradox”
Yuanxin presenting her research related to enterprise social media.
Kyosuke presented his research “The Origins of Network Routing Errors in Organizations”
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