Paper by Alina Lungeanu, Sophia Sullivan, and Noshir Contractor titled “Compositional, relational and ecosystem influences on team assembly in emerging scientific fields” was presented at the 5th Annual International Science of Team Science (SciTS) Conference in Austin, TX on August 7, 2014

Paper by Alina Lungeanu, Sophia Sullivan, and Noshir Contractor titled “Compositional, relational and ecosystem influences on team assembly in emerging scientific fields” was presented at the 5th Annual International Science of Team Science (SciTS) Conference in Austin, TX on August 7, 2014


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Lindsay Young successfully defended her dissertation proposal titled Third Sector Organizational Field-building in a Digital World: Hyperlinks as Mechanisms of Institutionalized Collaboration

Lindsay Young successfully defended her dissertation proposal titled “Third Sector Organizational Field-building in a Digital World: Hyperlinks as Mechanisms of Institutionalized Collaboration” on Tuesday, July 15, 2014. She will be starting as a post-doctoral scholar at the Chicago Center for HIV Elimination within the University of Chicago Medicine on August 18, 2014. Best of luck!

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SONIC welcomes visiting scholar Li Yu

Li Yu is a visiting scholar from the School of Information, Renmin University of China. He is visiting SONIC to improve his research ability and enlarge his knowledge in social and knowledge networks through visiting and exchanging.  He is joining us from July 31, 2014 to July 30th, 2015. SONIC is looking forward to a productive year with Li.


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SONIC is pleased to welcome visiting scholars Fabian Flöck and Dominic DiFranzo

SONIC currently hosts the two visitors Fabian Flöck and Dominic DiFranzo.

Fabian is a researcher at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, and is analyzing the editing dynamics of Wikipedia articles based on authorship and inter-editor relations. He will stay with the SONIC research group until August 14th.

Dominic is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. He is working with our Virtual Worlds Environment group and assisting in developing a web observatory for Northwestern University. He will stay with SONIC until July 17th

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