Contractor Presented at Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore

Noshir Contractor presented Using Multi-theoretical Multilevel Models to Understand and Enable Communities at the Workshop on Network Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India,  on January 11th, 2012. This workshop is part of a special year on network science organized by the Indian Institute of Science Mathematics Initiative in conjunction with the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences at the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai. For more information, see:

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Ryan Whalen to present at Complenet 2012

SONIC lab PhD researcher Ryan Whalen will present a paper titled “Modeling annual Supreme Court influence: The role of citation practices and judicial tenure in determining precedent network growth” at Complenet 2012.  The paper offers a unique way to understand and analyze the development of legal citation systems.  Subsequent to the conference, the paper will be published as part of a Studies in Computational Intelligence series book.

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CSCW Paper on MTML Model of Wikipedia Coauthorship

A paper coauthored by Brian Keegan, Noshir Contractor, and assistant professor Darren Gergle examining the coauthorship networks of Wikipedia articles was accepted to the 2012 ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Abstract:

Prior scholarship on Wikipedia’s collaboration processes has examined the properties of either editors or articles, but not the interactions between both. We analyze the coauthorship network of Wikipedia articles about breaking news demanding intense coordination and compare the properties of these articles and the editors who contribute to them to articles about historical airline accidents. Using p*/ERGM methods to test a multi-level, multi-theoretical model, we identify how editors’ attributes and editing patterns interact with articles’ attributes and authorship history. Editors’ attributes like prior experience have a stronger influence on the self-organization of the collaboration, but article attributes also play significant roles. Finally, we discuss the implications our findings and methods have for understanding the socio-material duality of collective intelligence systems beyond Wikipedia.

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Professor Contractor featured in NCA Communication Scholar video

Professor Contractor is one of four communication scholars featured in a video titled Grantseeking Basics: A Guide for the Communication Scholar prepared by the National Communication Association (NCA) and to be showcased at the NCA annual convention in New Orleans on Friday November 18 from 12:30-1:45 pm in LaGalerie 1 on the second floor of the Marriott Hotel, New Orleans. Video can be viewed at:

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