Luís A. Nunes Amaral is professor of chemical and biological engineering in the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Northwestern University. Amaral conducts and directs research that provides insight into the emergence, evolution, and stability of complex systems. This research — featured in numerous media sources both in the United States and abroad — aims to address some of the most pressing challenges facing human societies and the world’s ecosystems, including the mitigation of errors in health care settings, the characterization of conditions fostering innovation and creativity, and the growth limits imposed by sustainability. Recipient of a CAREER award from the National Institutes of Health, Amaral was named to the 2006 class of Distinguished Young Scholars in Medical Research by the Keck Foundation and has been selected as an Earlier Career Scientist by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Raquel Asencio is a PhD student in the IO Psychology program at Georgia Tech, and currently involved in several major grants and projects on teams and multiteam systems. She is interested in systems of science teams, inter-disciplinary teams, and distributed teams, as well as the emergent properties and processes that enable the success of these collectives. She is currently working on countervailing forces in multiteam systems. For example, what happens to the processes at one level of analysis, when processes at another level of analysis take precedent? Her research relies heavily on social network analysis (SNA) and more recently, digital trace data.
Prasad Balkundi is an associate professor of management in the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. He received his Ph.D. in business administration from Pennsylvania State University. His research interests include social networks and leadership in teams and his work has appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review and Journal of Applied Psychology.
Ethan Bernstein is an Assistant Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the Harvard Business School, focused on topics related to collaboration, learning, design thinking, and organizational performance. In his current research, Professor Bernstein examines how, and under what conditions, privacy makes groups more productive–and, more specifically, how the sharing of information across and within boundaries affects learning, innovation, and organizational performance. In a world obsessed with transparency, his findings suggest that boundaries may sometimes provide unanticipated benefits and be an underutilized managerial performance lever. Put differently, attention matters for performance, and boundaries can be strategically important in directing it.
Michael T. Braun, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Industrial/ Organizational Psychology program at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. His research interests are in the areas of team knowledge building and decision making, team collaboration and effectiveness, team leadership, longitudinal data analysis, and dynamic modeling. His work currently appears in Psychological Methods, Organizational Research Methods, and Behavior Research Methods. He currently serves on the Editorial Board of Organizational Research Methods and as a reviewer for the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Multivariate Behavioral Research. He received his B.A. in Psychology from Purdue University (2006) and his M.A. (2009) and Ph.D. (2012) from Michigan State University.
Ron Burt is the Hobart W. Williams Professor of Sociology and Strategy at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, worked as Vice President of Strategic Learning at Raytheon Company and as professor at the University of California Berkeley, Columbia University, INSEAD, and University of Chicago. His research describes how social networks create advantage. Recent examples are a book on advantage spillover, Neighbor Networks (2010, Oxford), an analysis of personality affecting advantage (2012 Am. J. Sociol.), and a review of network advantage (2013 Ann. Rev. Psychol.).
Dorothy R. Carter is an Industrial/Organizational Psychology graduate student working with Dr. Leslie DeChurch at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dorothy’s research focuses on understanding leadership as a collective phenomenon in teams and larger collectives. In particular, she integrates social network analytic techniques and collective leadership theories to better understand drivers and optimal patterns of distributed leadership. She has been a lead graduate student on multiple large-scale nationally funded projects focused on understanding the functioning of complex globally distributed systems. Her work has appeared in outlets such as The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and The Leadership Quarterly.
Joshua Clark is a third year Ph.D student at the University of Southern California. His primary area of research is the social nature of online games. Josh has written on trust, distrust, criminality and information diffusion as expressed within various virtual worlds such as EVE Online, Team Fortress Two and League of Legends. His primary methodological interests lie at the intersection between social network analysis and machine learning, with a focus on a fusion between the two fields.
Noshir Contractor is the Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences in the McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science, the School of Communication and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, USA. He is the Director of the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) Research Group at Northwestern University. He is investigating factors that lead to the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of dynamically linked social and knowledge networks in a wide variety of contexts including communities of practice in business, translational science and engineering communities, public health networks and virtual worlds.
Jonathon Cummings is an Associate Professor of Management at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. After completing his dissertation and post-doc at Carnegie Mellon University, he spent three years at the MIT Sloan School of Management as an Assistant Professor. His subsequent research has focused on virtual teams in corporations as well as collaboration in science, and his publications have appeared in outlets across a number of fields, including Organizational Behavior (e.g., Management Science, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review), Information Systems (e.g., MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research), Human-Computer Interaction (e.g., CHI, CSCW, CACM), and Science Policy (e.g., Social Studies of Science, Research Policy).
Leslie DeChurch is Associate Professor of Industrial & Organizational Psychology at Georgia Institute of Technology, where she is the Director of the DELTA (Developing Effective Leaders, Teams, and Alliances) laboratory. Professor DeChurch is a leading scholar in the area of teams and leadership, and was an originator of research on multiteam systems (MTSs). Multiteam systems theory explains the dynamics and performance of complex multilevel systems of teams in settings ranging from scientific innovation to disaster response to military engagement. Professor DeChurch serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology, Small Group Research, the Journal of Occupation and Organizational Psychology, and the Journal of Business and Psychology; she is a member of the boards of the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) and the Science of Team Science (SciTS). Professor DeChurch is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award examining leadership in virtual organizations, and she is co-PI (with Noshir Contractor) on a NSF Research Coordination Network grant to build community that will advance social scientists’ ability to leverage big, broad, and digital data to understand social phenomena. Her research on teamwork and leadership has been continuously funded by the National Science Foundation and the Army Research Institute for the Social and Behavioral Sciences for the past 7 years. Professor DeChurch is co-editor of, “Multiteam systems: An organizational form for dynamic and complex environments”, and dozens of articles in top journals including Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, and Leadership Quarterly.
Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School, where she has taught since 1996. Edmondson’s research examines the social and psychological dimensions of learning and innovation in organizations, and has been published in numerous academic and managerial articles. Her book, Teaming: How organizations learn, innovate, and compete in the knowledge economy, was published by Jossey-Bass in April, 2012. In the early eighties she was Chief Engineer for R. Buckminster Fuller, and and her book, A Fuller Explanation, clarifies Fuller’s mathematical contributions for anon-technical audience. Edmondson received her PhD in organizational behavior, AM in psychology, and AB in engineering and design, all from Harvard University.
Janet Fulk is Professor of Communications in the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, and Professor of Management and Organization the Marshall School of Business at University of Southern California. Her research centers on social aspects of knowledge and distributed intelligence, enterprise social networking, nongovernmental organization networks, and dynamics of online communities. Current projects examine social dynamics in Threadless, factors leading to post-funding success of Kickstarter projects, motivations and social capital in enterprise social networking in private industry, and the evolution of the social networking site organizational form. She is a Fellow of The Academy of Management and of the International Communication Association, and she holds lifetime achievement awards from The Academy of Management.
Heidi K Gardner, PhD researches, teaches and speaks on topics related to leadership, collaboration and teamwork in complex, knowledge-based, high autonomy organizations. She is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at Harvard Business School. Her current research analyses the benefits and costs to firms and individuals of working collaboratively. Heidi has published articles in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review and elsewhere. Heidi has lived and worked on four continents, including as a consultant with McKinsey & Co and as a Fulbright fellow. She earned a Masters degree from the London School of Economics and a PhD from London Business School.
Gerald F. Goodwin is Chief, Foundational Science Research Unit at the U. S. Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI). In addition to overseeing ARI’s basic research program, he is responsible for research teams focused on emerging and developing concepts within the applied research program including assessment of unit command climate and unit resilience, assessment of cross-cultural competence, and assessing and developing unit cohesion. Dr. Goodwin received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the American Psychological Association (APA), and APA Division 19 (Military Psychology.
Kristen Guth is a second year PhD student at Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California. Her research integrates organizational communication, the Internet, and new and emerging technologies. She has researched with the Youth and Media Project at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Kristen’s work has been presented at the conferences of the National Communication Association, International Network for Social Network Analysis Sunbelt, and the Association of Internet Researchers. Prior to her graduate studies, Kristen worked as a journalist in New York and as a public relations professional in Washington, DC.
Jiawei Han is Abel Bliss Professor in Engineering, in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois. He has been researching into data mining, information network analysis, and database systems, with over 600 publications. He served as the founding Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) and on the editorial boards of several other journals. Jiawei has received IBM Faculty Awards, HP Innovation Awards, ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award (2004), IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award (2005), IEEE Computer Society W. Wallace McDowell Award (2009), and Daniel C. Drucker Eminent Faculty Award at UIUC (2011). He is a Fellow of ACM and a Fellow of IEEE. He is currently the Director of Information Network Academic Research Center (INARC) supported by the Network Science-Collaborative Technology Alliance (NS-CTA) program of U.S. Army Research Lab. His book “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques” (Morgan Kaufmann) has been used worldwide as a textbook.
Andrea B. Hollingshead (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is Professor of Communication in the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California (USC). She holds joint appointments in the USC Marshall School of Business and the Department of Psychology. Her research focuses on the factors and processes that lead to effective and ineffective knowledge sharing in groups. She has been a co- investigator on projects funded by the National Science Foundation. She has co-authored three books, Research Methods for Studying Groups and Teams, Theories of Small Groups: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, and Groups Interacting with Technology and has published many articles in communication, management, and psychology journals.
Yun Huang is a research associate in the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) research group in the department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern University. His research explores the dynamic and evolution of individual behavior and interactions in digital-enabled environments such as scientific collaboration, online communities, and virtual worlds using data mining, social network analysis, and economics approaches. He holds a doctorate in management science and information systems from McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science from Tsinghua University.
Steve W. J. Kozlowski, Ph.D.,professor of organizational psychology, Michigan State University. Research focuses on learning, team effectiveness, and multilevel theory. He is Editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology and Oxford Series in Organizational Psychology; Associate Editor of the Archives of Scientific Psychology. He serves on Editorial Boards of the Journal of Management and Oxford Research Reviews and previously on the Academy of Management Journal, Human Factors, the Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Fellow: American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science, International Association for Applied Psychology, and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Giuseppe “Joe” Labianca (Ph.D., Business Administration, Penn State) is a Gatton Endowed Professor of Management at the University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics and a co-founder of the LINKS Social Network Research Center ( Joe’s research involves understanding behavior in organizations from a social network perspective, including informal network approaches to organization design, innovation and collaboration, interpersonal conflict, and teamwork. His work has appeared in Science, Harvard Business Review, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Organization, and elsewhere. He teaches organization and management, organization theory and design, conflict and negotiations, organizational behavior, human resources management, and organizational change management. He recently won the University of Kentucky Alumni Association’s Great Teacher Award.
Roger Leenders is professor of Intra-Organizational Networks at Tilburg University in The Netherlands. His research focuses mainly on social networks in and of teams and how they affect (or are affected by) team-level creativity and innovation. He also studies effects of inter-team competition on team processes and team performance. Current work includes a focus on the antecedents of team-level risk-taking and work on relational event networks, where network interaction in continuous time is modeled.
Paul Leonardi (Ph.D., Stanford University) is the Pentair-Nugent Associate Professor at Northwestern University. He teaches courses on the management of innovation and organizational change in the School of Communication, the McCormick School of Engineering, and the Kellogg School of Management. Leonardi’s research focuses on how companies can create organizational structures and employ advanced information technologies to more effectively create and share knowledge. He is particularly interested in how data intensive technologies, such as simulation and social media tools, enable new ways to access, store, and share information; how the new sources of information these technologies provide can change work routines and communication partners; and how shifts in employees’ work and communication alter the nature of an organization’s expertise.
Alina Lungeanu is a PhD candidate in Technology and Social Behavior at Northwestern University. Her research examines the assembly of scientific teams and the role of scientific collaborations in the emergence and evolution of new scientific fields. She is a member of the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) Research Laboratory where she has performed extensive analyses comparing the assembly of funded and unfunded NSF proposals teams and capturing the mechanisms by which the sub-discipline of Oncofertility has emerged and was shaped by the NIH funded Interdisciplinary Research Consortium. In her work, Alina applies social networks concepts and methodological tools, as well as theories and concepts from the wider field of social science.
Michael Macy is Goldwin Smith Professor of Sociology and director of the Social Dynamics Laboratory at Cornell University. His recent research uses data from Twitter to track diurnal and seasonal mood changes; telephone call logs to measure network structure at the population level; and Amazon book reviews to determine whether reviewers are influenced by previous reviews. He has also used computational models to study the spread of high- threshold social contagions on small-world and scale- free networks. Macy’s research has been published in such leading journals as Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Journal of Sociology, the American Sociological Review, and the Annual Review of Sociology. He earned his PhD from Harvard University.
John Mathieu is a Professor of Management at the University of Connecticut, and holds the Cizik Chair in Management at UConn. His primary areas of interest include models of team and multi-team effectiveness, leadership, training effectiveness, and cross-level models of organizational behavior. He has over 100 publications, 200 presentations at national and international conferences, and has been a PI or Co-PI on over $8.5M in grants and contracts. He is a Fellow of the APA, SIOP, and the Academy of Management. He serves on numerous prestigious editorial boards and holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Old Dominion University.
Luke Matthews is Activate Networks’ Senior Scientific Director. His responsibilities include the ongoing development and application of Activate Networks algorithms. He received his doctorate in anthropology from New York University and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University. Luke first studied social networks among capuchin monkeys in the Ecuadorian Amazon. He subsequently studied networks in systems ranging from ancient human migrations to contemporaneous Christian groups before bringing his experience to the applied social network analysis of ANI. Luke’s research has been featured in New Scientist, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and other venues. In addition to his scientific work at Activate, he continues to speak at academic conferences, publish papers, and serves as an independent reviewer of grant and article submissions for leading funding organizations and academic journals.
Sanjay Mehrotra is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University and the director of IPHAM’s Center for Engineering and Health. Professor Mehrotra is an Optimization and Healthcare Engineering expert. Mehrotra is internationally known for his predictor-corrector method and his contribution to continuous, discrete, and stochastic optimization methodologies. He is the incoming department editor of Health section of the Institute of Industrial Engineering society journal IIE-Transactions. He is the current chair of Institute for Operations Research and Management Science’s (INFORMS) Optimization Society and he was the general chair of INFORMS Healthcare 2013 conference.
Peter Monge is Professor of Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and Professor of Management and Organization at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California. He is also the Director of the Annenberg Networks Network, a research center focused on communication network theory and research. He has published five books, the most recent of which is Theories of Communication Networks (with Noshir Contractor). He has published theoretical and research articles on organizational communication networks, evolutionary and ecological theory, collaborative information systems, globalization, and research methods. He is an elected Fellow and a former president of the International Communication Association (ICA, 1997-1998). He has received the ICA Steven H. Chaffee Career Productivity Award and the B. Aubrey Fisher Mentorship Award, where eight of his doctoral advisees have won dissertation awards. He is a Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association. From 1986 to 1993 he served as editor of Communication Research.
Satyam Mukherjee obtained his PhD degree in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India in the year 2009. The broad area of research of his doctoral work involved the analysis of congestion and decongestion phenomena in model communication networks. Between Feb 2010 and January 2012 he worked in the Amaral lab as a post-doctoral fellow. As a postdoc in Amaral lab he worked on various topics, which included visualization of online weight-loss friendship network, analysis of the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) and political prediction markets. Since Feb 2012 He has been working as a post doctoral fellow with Prof. Brian Uzzi in Kellogg School of Management. His research interests include physics of social networks, complex systems and sports statistics.
Toshio Murase is a post-doctoral fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Murase has been fascinated about collaborative power which enables people to achieve marvelous projects which no one can accomplish alone. His research areas include the following areas: teams, leadership, social networks, and measurement issues. Specifically, he is interested in investigating (a) how leaders across multiple levels of an organization manage complex collaboration systems, (b) how multiple teams can collaboratively achieve team-level and department/organization-level objectives, and (c) how effectively researchers can evaluate and measure the quality of collaborative and interactive processes. Dr. Murase’s research has appeared in the following journals: Journal of Management, The Leadership Quarterly, Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, & Practice, Educational and Psychological Measurement, and Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice.
Alexandros Nathan is a second year PhD student in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern University, and a member of the SONIC Lab. His research interests span the areas of Analytics, Social Network Analysis and Optimization. Alexandros is currently working with Professors Noshir Contractor and Sanjay Mehrotra on a new data driven approach for optimizing team performance. This new method will also be generic enough to be applied to various multi-objective optimization settings. In his free time, Alexandros enjoys playing tennis.
Julia Neidhardt is a researcher at the E-Commerce Group (Institute for Software Technology and Interactive Systems) at the Vienna University of Technology. She is enrolled in a PhD program at the same University; and her research focuses on the modeling and the analysis of online networks in the context of tourism. Julia obtained a MSc degree in Mathematics with specializations in Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics from the University of Vienna. At the moment Julia is a visiting scholar at the SONIC Research Group at Northwestern University. Here she is studying the performance of teams in virtual worlds.
Poong Oh is a Ph.D. candidate, at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California. His research interests focus on the evolutionary processes of complex adaptive systems, including human communication networks, inter-organizational networks, group information processing and decision making, and collective action. One of his articles was published in International Journal of Communication (The Functionality of Social Tagging as a Communication System, coauthored with Peter Monge). His dissertation title is “A General Framework for the Underlying Mechanisms of the Evolution of Communication Networks.” Currently, he is working on several research projects in Annenberg Networks Network.
Gary M. Olson is Donald Bren Professor of Information and Computer Science at the University of California at Irvine. His research investigates the socio-technical factors involved in geographically-distributed science and engineering. He is a co-editor and co-author of a number of chapters in the book Scientific Collaboration on the Internet (MIT Press, 2008)which includes a theory of remote collaboration and a number of case examples. He is an ACM Fellow, a member of the CHI Academy, and a winner of the CHI Lifetime Achievement Award (with Judy).
Judith S. Olson is Donald Bren Professor of Information and Computer Science with appointments also in the Merage School of Business and the School of Social Ecology at the University of California at Irvine. Her research interests are in the area of distance work, doing fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and agent-based modeling of collaborations in science, engineering, non-profits, and corporations. She is co-author of a number of chapters in the book, Scientific Collaboration on the Internet, including the theory of remote scientific collaboration and several case studies. She is an ACM Fellow, a member of the CHI Academy, a winner of the CHI Lifetime Achievement Award (with Gary), and winner of the ACM Athena Award.
Edward T. Palazzolo is the Associate Director of the SONIC Lab at Northwestern University. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2003) and held faculty positions at The Ohio State University and Arizona State University. Dr. Palazzolo’s research focuses on the interrelations between communication and knowledge networks and their impact on team performance in organizational settings through social network analysis, multilevel modeling, and computational modeling. The range of organizational settings he studies include for-profit, not-for-profit, education, government, military, terrorist, aerospace, virtual, international, and rapid-design teams.
Alex “Sandy” Pentland directs MIT’s Human Dynamics Laboratory and the MIT Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program, co-leads the World Economic Forum Big Data and Personal Data initiatives, and is a founding member of the Advisory Boards for Nissan, Motorola Mobility, Telefonica, and a variety of start-up firms. He has previously helped create and direct MIT’s Media Laboratory, the Media Lab Asia laboratories at the Indian Institutes of Technology, and Strong Hospital’s Center for Future Health. In 2012 Forbes named Sandy one of the `seven most powerful data scientists in the world’, along with Google founders and the CTO of the United States, and in 2013 he won the McKinsey Award from Harvard Business Review. He is among the most-cited computational scientists in the world, and a pioneer in computational social science, organizational engineering, wearable computing (Google Glass), image understanding, and modern biometrics. His research has been featured in Nature, Science, and Harvard Business Review, as well as being the focus of TV features on BBC World, Discover and Science channels. His most recent book is `Honest Signals,’ published by MIT Press.
Walter W. Powell, Professor of Education (and) Sociology, Organizational Behavior, Management Science and Engineering, Public Policy, and Communication at Stanford University. He works in the areas of organization theory, economic sociology, and the sociology of science. His interests focus on the processes through which knowledge is transferred across organizations, and the role of networks in facilitating or hindering innovation and of institutions in codifying ideas. He is the author or editor of Books: The Culture and Commerce of Publishing, with Lewis Coser and Charles Kadushin (Basic Books, 1982); Getting Into Print: The Decision-Making Process in Scholarly Publishing (U. of Chicago Press, 1985); The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, with Paul DiMaggio (U. of Chicago Press, 1991); Private Action and the Public Good, with Elisabeth Clemens (Yale U. Press, 1997); and The Nonprofit Sector, with Richard Steinberg (Yale U. Press, 2006). His most recent book, with John Padgett, is The Emergence of Organizations and Markets (Princeton U. Press, 2012). He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from SUNY – Stony Brook, and previously taught at Yale, MIT, and the University of Arizona. He holds honorary degrees from Uppsala University, Copenhagen Business School, and the Helsinki School of Economics, and is a foreign member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Science.
Ray Reagans is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management and Professor of Organization Studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Reagans studies the origin and influence of social capital on knowledge transfer, learning rates, and overall team performance. More specifically, he examines how demographic characteristics such as race, age, and gender affect the development of network relations. He also considers how particular network structures affect performance outcomes, including the transfer of knowledge among individuals and the productivity of research and development teams. Reagans holds a BA in sociology and economics from Brown University and a PhD in sociology from the University of Chicago.
Daniel M. Romero’s research focuses on the empirical and theoretical analysis of Social and Information Networks. He is particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms that control network evolution, information diffusion, and user interactions in online social networks. In his research, Daniel aims to complement the methods used in sociology with approaches that draw on large data sets from the Web, mathematical models, and new algorithms. Using these tools, Daniel’s research focuses on validating existing social theories at large scale and discovering new ones. While much of Daniel’s work is academically motivated, the results of his research have important implications for the development of useful applications such as user influence ranking, friend recommender systems, and spam detection. Daniel is a postdoctoral fellow at the Northwestern Institute on Complex Networks (NICO). He obtained his Ph.D in Applied Mathematics at Cornell University in 2012.
Aaron Schecter is currently a second year PhD. candidate at Northwestern University in the department of Industrial Engineering and Management Science. He is a member of the SONIC research group, where he is involved in the ongoing MTS study. Aaron’s current research is focused on relational event modeling for team communication. Additionally, he is interested in statistical modeling, optimization, and simulation.
Cuihua Cindy Shen (PhD, University of Southern California) is an Assistant Professor at the Emerging Media and Communication Program, University of Texas at Dallas. Her research and teaching interests revolve around the social and psychological impacts of digital media, particularly how people create, maintain and are influenced by social networks in online worlds. Her work has been published in journals including Communication Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, New Media & Society, Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, and Management Communication Quarterly.
Andrew J. Slaughter is a research scientist in the Foundational Science Research Unit at the U. S. Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI). He is responsible for helping to manage and develop ARI’s portfolio of research on topics related to organizational effectiveness and culture, including topics related to network science. Dr. Slaughter’s primary areas of expertise are in the areas of network science, psychometrics, individual differences, and leadership. His past research experience includes topics related to psychological test development and validation; the measurement and statistical analysis of cognitive social structures; statistical models for multilevel and longitudinal data; and the application of social network analysis to studying leadership, collaboration, influence, and organizational attitudes in organizations. Dr. Slaughter received his Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Texas A&M University. He is a member of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) and the Psychometric Society.
Ned Smith is an Associate Professor of Management and Organizations at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Sociology at Northwestern University. His research is on the construction and consequences of organizational identity, with particular empirical emphasis on financial markets. He draws on sociological and network-based theories of markets to develop and test new identity-based models of decision-making, organizational behavior, and market evolution. A second avenue of Ned’s research works to connect research on cognitive processes and network theories of social capital to better understand how people utilize (and squander) the resources available to them in their social networks.
Bonnie Spring is Professor of Preventive Medicine, Psychology, and Psychiatry, Director of the Center for Behavior and Health, and Co-Program Leader for Cancer Prevention at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. She studies interventions to promote healthful lifestyle change, including treatments that incorporate technology. Her research on behavioral risk factors (smoking, poor-quality diet, physical inactivity, obesity) has been supported continuously for more than 30 years chiefly by the National Institutes of Health, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. She directs the Science of Team Science program at NUCATS and is interested in optimizing networks to enhance outcomes.
Sophia Sullivan is a fourth year Ph.D. student in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern. As a member of the SONIC Lab, she has participated in a variety of projects including the development of metrics for analyzing team ecosystems, simulation of creativity in teams, and studying gold farming in Massively Multiplayer Online Games. Her current projects include simulating the development of leadership reliance networks in Multi-Team Systems and simulating of the evolution of a scientific field using Agent-Based Models.
Boleslaw “Bolek” K. Szymanski is the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor and the Director of the ARL Social and Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from National Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, in 1976. He published over 300 scientific articles, is a foreign member of the National Academy of Science in Poland and an IEEE Fellow and was a National Lecturer for the ACM. In 2009, he received the Wilkes Medal from the British Computer Society and the honorific title of Presidential Professor from the Republic of Poland. His current research interests focus on network science with focus on technology-based social networks and computer networks.
Lena Uszkoreit is a second-year PhD student at USC. She received her B.A. and M.A. degrees from Berlin University of the Arts in ‘Communication in Social and Economical Contexts’. Rather a novice to networks, Lena is intrigued by studying social interaction in virtual worlds and online games from a multi-methodological perspective. She is interested in the relationships of social capital, trust, and reciprocity of MMO players as well as in looking at online and offline social networks and how they intersect and overlap (or don’t).
Brian Uzzi is the Richard L. Thomas Distinguished Professor of Leadership at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He also directs the Northwestern University Institute on Complex Systems (NICO) and is a professor of sociology and management science at the McCormick School of Engineering. His award winning and highly referenced research examines the role of complex systems and social networks in promoting outstanding human achievement, creativity, and crowd behavior. Brian has won 10 teaching awards and been on the faculty of Harvard University, INSEAD, University of Chicago, and UC Berkeley where he was the Warren E. and Carol Spieker Professor of Leadership. Media reports of his work have appeared in the WSJ, Newsweek, on Television, and in the New Yorker Magazine.
Balazs Vedres is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Central European University where he directs the Center for Network Science. His research furthers the agenda of understanding historical dynamics in network systems, with insights from historical sociology, social network analysis, and studies of complex systems in physics and biology. His research tackles questions of creativity in teams, the role of technology in civic activism, transnational networks and social movements, the political segregation of business networks, robustness in energy delivery networks, and organizational design. His research results were published in the top journals of sociology, attracting four major international awards over the past two years. His most recent book, “Networks in Social Policy Problems” was published by Cambridge University Press in 2012.
Rong Wang is a doctoral student at Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California. Rong received her B.A. from School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University (P.R. China), and her M.A. in Communications and New Media from National University of Singapore. Her Master’s thesis examined, from a network perspective of collective action, online communities that focus on commons-based peer production. Before joining USC, Rong worked at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) with the Information Networks and Inclusion program, based in Ottawa, Canada. Her research interests are focused on social network analysis, organizational communication, network dynamics, and evolutionary theories. Her research has been presented in international conferences including ICA, IAMCR, NCA, AoIR, and INSNA Sunbelt.
Cindy Weng is pursuing her Ph.D. in Media, Technology and Society at Northwestern University. Her interests and areas of expertise lay in the internet sector, particularly network analysis, social media, and virtual worlds. She is currently researching team formation and turnover by using multilevel modeling on EVE Online, one of the most elaborate MMORPGs ever created. She most recently presented a study on multilevel analysis of corporate turnover at the INSNA Sunbelt Conference 2013 in Hamburg, Germany. For the summer of 2013, Cindy interned at IBM Research in Cambridge, MA to study the effects of network visualizations on team behavior.
Anita Williams Woolley is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory at the Tepper School of Business. She has a PhD in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University, where she also earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. At the Tepper School of Business, she teaches MBA and executive education courses on managing people and teams in organizations. Professor Woolley’s research and teaching interests include team collaboration, collective intelligence, and managing multiple team memberships. Professor Woolley’s research has been published in Science, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Small Group Research, among others and has been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Army Research Institute, as well as private corporations.
Bei Yan is a second year PhD student at the Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California, and a member of the Annenberg Networks Network. She’s interested in network forms of organizations, including inter-organizational networks, geographically distributed task teams and online communities. Her current research attempts to analyze structural features of open source software development communities and its social implications from an institutional theoretic perspective.
Y. Connie Yuan (PhD, University of Southern California) is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Cornell University. Her research interests focus on knowledge management, social network analysis, intercultural communication, and computer-supported collaboration in distributed teams. Her works have been published in communication, information science and management journals, investigating how communication styles, intercultural differences, network ties, and usage of information and communication technologies can influence the development and effective function of transactive memory systems in work groups. She has received multiple grants from NSF and USDA to support her research.
Stephen J. Zaccaro is a professor of psychology at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. He is also an experienced leadership development consultant. He has written over 120 journal articles, book chapters, and technical reports on group dynamics, team performance, leadership, and work attitudes. He has authored a book titled, The Nature of Executive Leadership: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis of Success (2001) and co-edited four other books, Occupational Stress and Organizational Effectiveness (1987), The Nature of Organizational Leadership: Understanding the Performance Imperatives Confronting Today’s Leaders (2001), Leader Development for Transforming Organizations (2004), and Multiteam systems: An Organization Form for Dynamic and Complex Environments (2012). He has also co-edited special issues of Leadership Quarterly (1991-1992) on individual differences and leadership, and a special issue for Group and Organization Management (2002) on the interface between leadership and team dynamics. He has served as Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on multiple research projects in the areas of multiteam systems, team performance, leader-team interfaces, leadership training and development, leader adaptability, executive leadership and executive coaching. He serves on the editorial board of The Leadership Quarterly, and he is an associate editor for Journal of Business and Psychology and Military Psychology. He is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, and of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 14 (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology) and 19 (Military Psychology).