
Workshop on Web Science meets Network Science
March 4-6, 2011
221 Allen Center, Northwestern University, Evanston IL


Date Start time End time Title  (Chair) Speaker
March 4 6 pm 8.30 pm Registration and Welcome Reception
March 5 8 am 8.15 Welcome Remarks by Dean of McCormick School of Engineering Julio Ottino
8:15 9:45 Session: Net/Web Science vs. Engineering (Noshir Contractor)
8.15 9.00 Discover, Understand, Engineer: Why this Sequence is so challenging in Emerging Systems Luis Amaral
9.00 9.45 Engineering the Web for a Scale-Free Society Tim Berners-Lee
9.45 10.00 Break
10:00 11:30 Session: Web Science and Net Science at Scale (Manuel Castells)
10.00 10.45 Rhythms of Information Flow through Networks Jure Leskovec
10.45 11.30 Social Networks Caught in the Web Lada A. Adamic
11.30 11.45 Photo
11.45 1 pm Lunch
1:00 2:30 Session: Is the Web just another Network? (Brian Uzzi)
1.00 1.45 From the WWW to network Science: Why Was Google’s Pagerank Successful After All? Laszlo Barabasi
1.45 2.30 Semantic Web Science Jim Hendler
2.30 2.45 Break
2:45 4:15 Session: Modeling the Web  – Data Mining versus Theory Building (Peter Monge)
2.45 3.30 Web Structure Mining and Information Network Analysis: An Integrated Approach Jiawei Han
3.30 4.15 Modeling the Web – The Interaction Between Theory Building and Data-Driven Discovery Scott Poole
4.15 4.30 Break
4:30 6:00 Session: Causality in Web/Net Science  (Kevin Lynch)
4.30 5.15 Network Autocorrelation: Causality and Culture Wars Michael Macy
5.15 6.00 Causality in Networks Sinan Aral
6 6.30 Drinks
6.30 7.30 Dinner
7.30 7.45 Welcome Remarks by Dean, School of Communication Barbara O’Keefe
7.45 8.45 After dinner talk (Contractor) Duncan Watts
March 6 8:30 10:00 Session: Using Web/Net Science to understand Science (Peter Monge)
8.30 9.20 Interactive Maps of Science and Technology Katy Borner
9.15 10.00 Web of Science, Multidisciplinarity, and Scientific Impact through Time Brian Uzzi
10.00 10.15 Break
10.15 11.30 Discussion: Envisioning a “Web Index” Nigel Shadbolt (moderator)
11.30 12:00 Closing remarks Noshir Contractor