Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change (Kellogg)
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences (McCormick)
Professor of Sociology (Weinberg)
Co-Director of Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)
Office: Leverone Hall 355
Phone: (847) 491-8072
Brian Uzzi co-directs NICO, the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems and holds professorships in the Weinberg School of Arts and Sciences and the McCormick School of Engineering. He has taught around the world and visited on the faculties of INSEAD, University of Chicago, and the University of California at Berkeley where he was the Warren E. and Carol Spieker Professor of Leadership. His award winning and highly cited research uses social network analysis and complexity theory to understand outstanding human achievement in finance, consulting science, and the arts. Brian lectures on leadership, persuasion, and change and has won eight teaching awards.
Among Uzzi’s scholarly awards are NSF, NIH, and NBER grants, and several scholarly contribution prizes including the W. Richard Scott Best Paper Award, the Administrative Science Quarterly Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award, the Management Science Best Dissertation Proposal Prize (2nd place), the Louis R. Pondy Best Paper Award, and several conference best paper prizes.