Professor of Communication Studies at Northwestern University
Director of the ATLAS Lab (Advancing Teams, Leaders, and Systems)
Leslie DeChurch is Professor of Communication and Psychology at Northwestern and leads the ATLAS research laboratory. Leslie’s research uncovers fundamental truths about teams – how, when, and why they work (or don’t work). She has published more than 75 journal articles, proceedings, chapters, and an edited volume.
Since receiving her PhD in 2002, Leslie has been studying teams in the military, science, healthcare, disaster response, online communities, and most recently, in outer space. Leslie is currently working with NASA’s Human Research Program to solve hard problems about teamwork in space explorer teams. Her research program on teamwork and leadership has been funded by the Army Research Institute (ARI), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes for Health (NIH), Army Research Office (ARO), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the National Aeronautical and Space Agency (NASA).
Leslie is a fellow of APA, APS, and SIOP, and was the recipient of an NSF CAREER to study Leadership in Virtual Organizations.
Is the future of work…in outer space? I/O Shaken & Stirred (2018):