Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Office: Tech E284
Phone: (847) 491-5538
Ph.D. Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
M.S. Industrial and System Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
B.S. Industrial and System Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Training course in Electronic and Electrical Engines and Relays, Tehran Institute of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Research Interests:
I am interested in the applications of stochastic processes, game theory, and queueing theory to the design and control of manufacturing, service operations systems, health care, and supply chains, focusing on improving their flexibility, coordination, and responsiveness. My goal is to develop mathematical models that provide scientific principles and tools to improve the performance of such systems. I am particularly interested in developing easy-to-implement and cost-effective practices (e.g., control policies, design principles) for problems whose optimal control is not practical, or is not computationally feasible.
Selected Publications:
Ebrahimi, N., Iravani, S.M.R., and H. Shin. “The Role of Salesperson with Demand Information in a Supply Chain: The Wholesale vs. Retail Salesperson.” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 16 (2014) 76-88.
Arifoglu, K., Deo, S., and S.M.R. Iravani. “Coordinating Influenza Vaccine Supply Chain: Role of Consumption Externality and Yield
Uncertainty.” Management Science, 58 (2012) 1072–1091.
Ilhan, T., Iravani, S.M.R., and M. Daskin. “The Adaptive Knapsack Problem with Stochastic Demands.” Operations Research, 59 (2011) 242–248
Gokpinar, B., Hopp, W.J., and S.M.R. Iravani. “The Impact of Product Architecture and Organization
Structure on Efficiency and Quality of Complex Product Development.” Management Science, 56 (2010) 468–484.
Hopp, W.J., Iravani, S.M.R., and W. Lu Xu. “Vertical Flexibility in Supply Chains.” Management Science, 56 (2010) 495–502.
Chao, G., Iravani, S.M.R. and C. Savaskan, “Quality Improvement Incentives and Product Recall Cost Sharing
Contracts.” Management Science, 55 (2009) 1122–1138.
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