Post-doctoral Research Associate
Email: balint.neray@northwestern.edu
Education: Ph.D. in Sociology at the Corvinus University of Budapest
Research Interests: Social networks, racial and ethnic identity formation, computational social science
Project: Scaling Up Family Planning in Kenya
Balint is currently working as a postdoctoral fellow on the analysis of ego-centric networks essential in understanding various social phenomena, such as communication about modern contraceptive methods in rural Kenya and social mechanisms through which HIV-spread operates. In the past, Balint worked with Michelle Birkett, Assistant Professor of Medical Social Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine, across several projects related to Network Science and disparities in HIV. He was previously involved in the Network Canvas Project.
Related work and research experience
Balint also worked as a research associate at the Social Network Analysis Research Center at the Università della Svizzera italiana. Prior to that, in 2014 he completed a Fulbright Research Fellowship at Duke University.