Koustav Rudra

Postdoctoral Fellow

Office: Frances Searle Building 1-459
Email: koustav.rudra@northwestern.edu

Research Interests: Social network analysis, information retrieval, text analysis and data mining

Role: Koustav works on the scientific citation project.



    • PhD and MS in Computer Science and Engineering – Indian Institute of Technology,  Kharagpur, India
    • B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology – Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur


Koustav Rudra, Pawan Goyal, Niloy Ganguly, Prasenjit Mitra, Muhammad Imran, paper on “Identifying Sub-events and Summarizing Disaster-Related Information from Microblogs”, The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 8–12, 2018