Army Research Institute: Virtual World Exploratorium (2008-2010, $923,156) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor with Scott Poole (University of Illinois), Jaideep Srivastava (University of Minnesota), and Dmitri Williams (University of Southern California).
National Cancer Institute (subcontract from University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio TX): Analysis, Visualization & Interpretation of the Redes en Accion Cancer Network (2007-2010, $166,226) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
National Cancer Institute: Population Sciences Grid (2008-2009, $75,000).
National Science Foundation (subcontract from Purdue University): Network Recommender System for nanoHUB (2008-2009, $50,000).
National Science Foundation, ITR: IT-Based Collaboration Framework for Preparing Against, Responding to, and Recovering from Disasters Involving Critical Physical Infrastructures, (2004-2009, 0427089, $2,370,000) Co-Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor in collaboration with Professors Feniosky Pena-Mora, Gene E. Robinson, and Indranil Gupta (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), and Andrea Hollingshead (University of Southern California).
National Institute of Health (subcontract from University of Texas San Antonio): Mapping, Understanding and Enabling the Redes en Accion Latino Cancer Network (2007-2008, $56,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
National Science Foundation: C-IKNOW Cyberinfrastructure Tools to Enable Knowledge Network Discovery, Diagnosis and Design (2007-2008, 0753047, $199,619) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
National Science Foundation: Social Networking Tools to Enable Collaboration in the Tobacco Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Evaluation Network (TSEEN) (2005-2008, IIS- 0535214, $808,089). Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor on collaborative proposal with Katy Börner (Indiana University), Tom Finholt (University of Michigan), and Gary Giovino (Roswell Park Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY).
National Cancer Institute (supplement from NCI to NSF): Tobacco Informatics Grid (TobIG): Development of Prototype to Demonstrate Distributed Collaboration and Data Analysis within the Tobacco Research Community (2006-2007, IIS-0535214, $400,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
National Center for Supercomputing Applications: GroupScope: Instrumenting Research on Interaction of Individuals in Complex Settings (2006-2007, $69,347) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor on team including Marshall Scott Poole, Feniosky Pena-Mora, Klara Nahrstedt, David Forsyth, and Margaret Fleck.
National Science Foundation: Instrumenting behaviors and attitudes in virtual worlds (2005-2006, IIS 06-28036, $155,851) Co-Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor on collaborative proposal with Dmitri Williams (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Dan Hunter (University of Pennsylvania).
National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Mapping and Analyzing Emergent Multiorganizational networks in the Hurricane Katrina Response (2005-2006, SBE-0555115, $140,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor on collaborative proposal with Carter Butts (University of California, Irvine).
National Cancer Institute (subcontract from Battelle Memorial Institute): Socio-technical Specifications for the Design of a Cyberinfrastructure for a Tobacco Control Informatics Grid (2005-2006, $50,000).
National Science Foundation, Workshop on: The Role of Social Network Research in Enabling Cyberinfrastructure and the Role of Cyberinfrastructure in Enabling Social Network held November 3-5, 2005 at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, (2005-2006, SCI-0533892 , $50,000) Principal Investigator with Co-Principal Investigator Katy Börner (Indiana University).
National Science Foundation: 2006 International Workshop and Conference on Network Science, held May 2006 at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (2005-2006, SES-0532387, $77,714) Co-Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor with Laszlo Barabasi (University of Notre Dame), Katy Börner, Alex Vespignani, and Stan Wasserman (Indiana University).
Rockefeller Foundation: Mapping cultural and network assets in three Chicago communities (2005, CC 035, $100,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor in collaboration with Dr. Alaka Wali (Field Museum, Chicago).
University of Illinois Food Security Initiative: A Social Network Perspective to Analyze Food Security (2003-2005, $60,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
National Science Foundation: Digital Government: Workshop on US-Hungarian Research Collaborations to Address the Challenges of 21st Century Society. (2003-2005, 341928, $97,702) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor on collaborative proposal with Anthony Stefanidis (University of Maine).
University of Illinois Silicon, Carbon, Culture Initiative: Walking through Knowledge Networks (2003, $30,000) Principal Investigator on collaborative proposal with Professors Narendra Ahuja and Michael Twidale.
National Science Foundation: SGER: Knowledge Networks and Emerging Heterarchies in Rebuilding New York (2002-2003, 02334789, $42,908) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor on collaborative proposal with David Stark (Columbia University).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Modeling 21st Century Project Teams: Integrating Workflow and Knowledge Network Models of Organizing (2002-2003, No. 02-NASA-C-1513, $100,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor on collaborative proposal with Ray Levitt (Stanford University).
European Union Information Society & Technology Program (subcontract from LUISS University, Rome): Developing web-based knowledge asset mapping tools to study the use of communication technologies in organizations (2002-2003, €7000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
Center for Human Resource Management: Using Technologies to Support and Enhance Organizational Knowledge Networks (2002-2003, $10,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor with Andrea Hollingshead.
Hewlett Packard Mobile Initiative Grant Program: Using mobile technologies (2001-2002, $140,760) Investigator Noshir Contractor with Principal Investigator Win-Mei W. Hwu.
National Science Foundation: Co-evolution of Knowledge Networks and 21st Century Organizational Forms: Computational Modeling and Empirical Testing (1999-2001, 9980109, $1,500,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
UIUC Chief Information Officer: Multi-university course on Communication Technologies and New Forms of Organizing, (1999-2000, $10,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
UIUC Educational Technologies Board: Virtual Digital Portfolio (1998-1999, $6,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
Committee on Institutional Cooperation: A Curriculum in Communication and the Global Workplace (1998-1999, $10,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
Steelcase, Inc.: The Effects of Cooperative and Competitive Physical Environments and Communication on Negotiation Outcomes in Ultimatum and Communication Games (1996-1998, $96,586) Consultant Noshir Contractor with Principal Investigators: Peter Monge, Janet Fulk, and Arthur Baskin.
National Science Foundation: The Sustainable Management of Civil Infrastructure: A Methodology and Testbed to Bridge Information Technology and Application (1994-1998, ECS-9422730, $1,268,403) Co-Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
Advanced Learning Technologies in Higher Education, University of Illinois: A Curriculum in Organizational Communication and Technology Applications of Advanced Collaboration Tools to Support Cooperative Learning and Shared Instruction in Communication Studies, (1997, $52,600) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor with Barbara O’Keefe.
National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Software Development Group: Development of a Collaboration Workbench for the NCSA Software Development Group (1996-1997,$49,722) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor with Barbara O’Keefe and Patricia Jones.
Machine Tool Agile Manufacturing Research Institute: Evaluation of a virtual organization (1996-1997, $35,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor with Barbara O’Keefe and Patricia Jones.
Annenberg Center for Communication: Interactive Communication and Computing for Virtual Work Communities (1995-1997, $160,970) Co-Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
UIUC Educational Technologies Board: Support for Asynchronous Learning Networks in Speech Communication (1995-1996, $5,540) Co-Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
Sloan Center for Asynchronous Learning Environments: Collaboration Support for Senior Design Teams in Engineering, (1995-1996, $56,202) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor with Peter DeLisle, Elizabeth Faye, Barbara O’Keefe.
U.S. Department of Education: Adaptive Network Library Interface (1991, R197D10033, $6,000) Co-Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
Apple Computer’s Advanced Technology Group: Modeling the Use of Groupware as a Self-organizing System (1990, $205,000) Principal Investigator Noshir Contractor.
Young, L. & Contractor, N. (2011). Mapping community-based information networks to enable the chicago climate action plan: A case study of the South Chicago Community. Chicago, IL: Northwestern University.
Young, L., Pieterson, W., Hsieh, Y.P., Wang, H., & Contractor, N. (2010). Mapping community-based information networks to enable the chicago climate action plan: A case study of the North Kenwood/Oakland community. Chicago, IL: Northwestern University.