Contractor, Foucault, and Young to attend Network Theory Workshop at USC

SONIC Lab members Lindsay Young, Brooke Foucault and Noshir Contractor will attend the 4th International Workshop on Network Theory jointly organized by the Annenberg Network of Networks (ANN) and SONIC Workshop on April 26-28 at the University of Southern California. The theme this year is on β€œSocial Movements and Network Theory.”

Information and many excellent presentation videos from last year’s Network Theory Conference are available here:
Check them out to discover what exciting science is motivating these three.

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Contractor to deliver plenary address at SIAM International Conference

Contractor Contractor to deliver plenary address at the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) International Conference on Data Mining in Anaheim on April 26, 2012. SIAM is a world renowned society whose mission is to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology through their publications, research, and community.


For more information go to:

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