Roger Leenders SONIC Speaker Series

Prof. Roger LeendersOn Thursday, October 27, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Prof. Dr. Roger Leenders will be giving a presentation in Room 1-483 of Frances Searle Building on the Northwestern University Evanston Campus. The talk is entitled “Competition and the Gender of Team Creativity”. The presentation reports on several studies on the effect of interteam competition on the creativity of teams. In particular, a recent study proposing that having groups go head-to-head is stimulating to the creativity of groups composed of men but detrimental to the creativity of groups composed of women. Lab studies showed differential effects of competition on the creativity of male versus female groups, especially at the higher end of the competition spectrum. The researchers also found that, based on network theory, these effects were mediated by in-group collaboration. The effects were also replicated in a field setting involving R&D teams.


Creativity of Teams


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Bernard Hogan SONIC Speakers Series

On Friday, October 21, from 2:00-3:00 p.m. University of Oxford Research Fellow, Bernie Hogan will be giving a presentation in Room 1-483 of Frances Searle Building on the Northwestern University Evanston Campus. This presentation will provide an overview of several studies that explore the phenomena related to how social networks mirror offline networks, albeit not perfectly.

Bernie Hogan is a research fellow at the University of Oxford’s Internet Institute. His work focuses on online identity via real names and pseudonyms. He has published methods for analyzing networks and names in City and Communication, Communication & Society, Fields Methods and elsewhere. His tool for downloading Facebook networks (namegenweb) is used worldwide. His 2009 dissertation under Barry Wellman at the University of Toronto won best Dissertation from ICA’s Communivation and Technology Section.

Download the flyer here.


Personal Networks and the Rise of the Real Name Web


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Two upcoming SONIC presentations

Two SONIC lab PhD researchers will present at this weekend’s Organizational Communication Mini Conference at the University of Missouri in Columbia.  Alina Lungeanu is presenting a paper titled “A network perspective on success in collaboration: Stop citing me for your own good?” exploring patterns of scientific collaboration.  Ryan Whalen will present “Government structure as multiplex network: Improving our understanding of inter-organizational relations” in which he explores ways to map and understand government structure.

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Six Provocations for Big Data

Paper by danah boyd of Microsoft Research and Kate Crawford of the University of New South Wales, presented at Oxford Internet Institute’s A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society” on September 21, 2011. Here’s a sample of two of the six provocations:

“The current ecosystem around Big Data creates a new kind of digital divide: the Big Data rich and the Big Data poor.”

“How can students be educated so that they are equally comfortable with algorithms and data analysis as well as with social analysis and theory?”

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