SONIC Speaker Series presents: Anirban Mukherjee

The SONIC Speaker Series presents

Anirban Mukherjee

Marketing Faculty at INSEAD

Investigating the Multiple-Source Effect in Product-Pitch Videos

SONIC Lab is proud to welcome Prof. Mukherjee of INSEAD. He will speak on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019 at 11 aM in Frances Searle Building, Room 1-483. Please contact Brent Hoagland with any questions.


Conventional wisdom suggests that having multiple speakers (“sources”) deliver content enhances persuasion. Laboratory evidence confirms the folk knowledge and terms it the “multiple-source effect.” As the prior evidence was developed in the behavioral laboratory, it derives from relatively simple laboratory stimuli conveying information on far fewer topics than is typical in the real-world marketplace. Our study addresses this limitation. We investigate the multiple-source effect in all (more than 30,000) product-pitch videos in nine product-innovation-related categories on Kickstarter, an online crowdfunding portal, since its inception in April 2009 to mid-February 2017. We use deep-learning models to algorithmically measure the number of speakers, transcribe and analyze the spoken content, and measure other audial and visual control variables. We document a novel boundary condition of the multiple-source effect—the effect depends on the number of topics discussed in the video. In simpler videos discussing fewer topics, which is more similar to stimuli in prior laboratory studies, we corroborate prior findings that having more speakers leads to more funding. However, in more complex videos discussing more topics, we find that having more speakers does not affect funding. The latter is consistent with the literature on information overload. More broadly, our research demonstrates the potential of deep learning to enable the analysis of large-scale audio and video data in order to investigate human behavior in real-world settings.

Prof. Mukherjee is Visiting Assistant Professor of Marketing at INSEAD and Fellow of the Institute on Asian Consumer Insight at Nanyang Technological University. Prior to INSEAD, Prof. Mukherjee was Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business at Singapore Management University. He holds a B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2003), and a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Marketing (2008, 2009), from Cornell University. He studied at The Doon School, Dehra Dun (353 KA, 1999).

Prof. Mukherjee is an expert in quantitative and computational marketing methodology. He develops and applies cutting-edge methods to managerially and substantively important marketing phenomena. His work has been published in prestigious journals (such as the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, and Management Science), featured in popular press outlets (including Forbes), and received several awards (including several best paper awards). He has been invited to give research talks at numerous prestigious universities and he consults and teaches for several major companies (such as IBM, LinkedIn, and Sony).
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Watch our most recent SONIC Speaker – @gvegayon

The SONIC Speaker Series presents

George G. Vega Yon

Department of Preventive Medicine at USC’s Keck School of Medicine

Big Problems for Small Networks: Statistical Analysis of Small Networks and Team Performance

SONIC Lab is proud to welcome George G. Vega Yon of USC’s Keck School of Medicine. George will speak on Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 at 2PM in Frances Searle Building, Room 1-483 with a workshop to follow. Please contact Brent Hoagland with any questions.



Small network data such as team, family, or personal networks, is common in many fields that study social networks. Although the analysis of small networks may appear simplistic relative to the difficulties posed by “big” datasets, there are at least two key challenges: (1) fitting statistical models to explain the network structure in small groups, and (2) testing if structural properties of small networks are associated with group-level outcomes; for example, team performance. In this presentation, we introduce two new statistical methods that use a revisited version of Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) in the context of small networks. Using exhaustive enumeration of networks in the support, we are able to calculate exact likelihood functions for ERGMs, which allows us to obtain maximum likelihood estimates directly (without using simulations), avoiding common problems that arise from methods that rely on approximations instead. This is joint work with Prof. Kayla de la Haye (USC).

A workshop on the R packages ergmito and gnet for applying the methods introduced during the talk will be conducted.

George G. Vega Yon is a Biostatistics Ph.D student and Research Programmer in the Department of Preventive Medicine at USC’s Keck School of Medicine. His interests are in computational statistics and scientific software development. Most recently, his research has focused on the development of statistical methods for both phylogenetics and social network analysis. He holds a MS degree in Economics from Caltech, and a MA in Economics and Public Policy from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile.

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SONIC Speaker – George G. Vega Yon March 20th at 2pm

Please join the SONIC Lab in Frances Searle Room 1-483 on March 20th at 2pm to welcome SONIC Speaker, George G. Vega Yon of USC’s Keck School of Medicine, who will present his talk “Big Problems for Small Networks: Statistical Analysis of Small Networks and Team Performance.” Followed by a workshop on R packages ‘ergmito’ and ‘gnet’ for applying the methods introduced during the talk.
Small network data such as team, family, or personal networks, is common in many fields that study social networks. Although the analysis of small networks may appear simplistic relative to the difficulties posed by “big” datasets, there are at least two key challenges: (1) fitting statistical models to explain the network structure in small groups, and (2) testing if structural properties of small networks are associated with group-level outcomes; for example, team performance. In this presentation, we introduce two new statistical methods that use a revisited version of Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) in the context of small networks. Using exhaustive enumeration of networks in the support, we are able to calculate exact likelihood functions for ERGMs, which allows us to obtain maximum likelihood estimates directly (without using simulations), avoiding common problems that arise from methods that rely on approximations instead. This is joint work with Prof. Kayla de la Haye (USC).
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Press Coverage: IIT Madras hosts the first RBCDSAI ‘Web Science Symposium’

Publication:  The Times of India
Headline: IIT-Ms web science symposium to help community exchange ideas 
Publication: The New Indian Express (clip attached)
Headline:  IITMadras hosts web science symposium
Publication: UNI 
Headline: IIT Madras hosts the first RBCDSAI ‘Web Science Symposium
Publication: Dinamani
Headline: சென்னை ஐஐடி-யில்  இணைய அறிவியல் கருத்தரங்கம் (IIT Madras hosts Web Sciencesymposium)
Publication: BW Education
Headline:  IIT Madras Hosts The First RBCDSAI ‘Web Science Symposium
Publication: DT Next
Headline: IIT-M hosts two-day Web Science Symposium 
Publication: Infodea
Headline: IIT Madras hosts the first RBCDSAI ‘Web Science Symposium’ 
Publication: Techi Expert 
Headline:  IIT Madras Hosts The First RBCDSAI ‘Web Science Symposium
Publication: Penn News 
Headline:  IIT Madras hosts the first ‘Web Science Symposium
Publication: The Hindu Tamil

Headline: IIT Madras hosts the first RBCDSAI ‘Web Science Symposium

Publication: India Education Diary

Headline: IIT Madras hosts the first RBCDSAI ‘Web Science Symposium

Publication: The Statesman
Headline: Exchanging ideas 
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Contractor provides keynote to RBC-DSAI at IIT Madras

Prof Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University, presents a memento to Prof. Dame Wendy Hall, Executive Director, Web Science Institute.


Keynote Citation: Contractor, N. (February 26, 2019). People Analytics: Understanding and Enabling the Future of Work. Keynote address at the Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence – Webs Science Symposium at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India.

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Press coverage for Mars Mission research

National Geo Mars Journey

EurekAlert! EurekAlert! – “Northwestern study of analog crews in isolation reveals weak spots for Mission to Mars.”

The Globe and Mail The Globe and Mail – “NASA experiments suggest problems lie ahead for astronauts during Mars mission.”

ScienceDaily Science Daily – “Weak spots for Mission to Mars revealed.” 

The Times of India The Times of India – “Weak spots for Nasa’s manned Mars mission revealed.” New Atlas – “Simulated space journeys to help keep the peace on manned trips to Mars.”

The Daily Galaxy The Daily Galaxy – “Super Humans – NASA Tackles Perils of Astronaut Mission to Mars: 250 Million-Mile Journey.”

Image result for the economist logo The Economist Babbage Podcast – “Joker AAAStrounauts.” 

Livestream AAAS Annual Meeting – “Building a Winning Team for Missions to Mars.” 

Image result for the economist logo The Economist  – “The problems of flying to Mars – Astronauts will have to worry about space radiation – and also each other.”

Tech2 Tech2 – “NASA developing models to predict conflicts among crew members for manned Mars missions.” 

Global Science Global Science – “Pensiero creativo e problem solving: gli umani sfidano Marte.”

El Comercio El Comercio – “Marte | Científicos trabajan en modelo para evitar “fallos psicológicos” en futuros viajes.”

EuropaPress – “Un modelo para predecir fallos psicológicos en el viaje a Marte.”

Electronic Component News Electronic Component News – “Mars Mission Gets Help from Predictive Model, Helps NASA Anticipate Conflicts.” – “Astronauts Struggle with Finishing Tasks on Mock Space Missions.”

CBC CBC Radio – “It’s like a hall of mirrors: In a spacecraft, personalities work better than others.” Northwestern News – “Northwestern study of analog crews in isolation reveals weak spots for Mission to Mars.” 

cnBeta.COM – “西北大学开展模拟太空旅行计划 帮助宇航员更顺利抵达火星” – “Space agencies preparing for 3-year round-trip journey to Mars.” – “Lot na Marsa będzie jeszcze trudniejszy…”

The Daily Northwestern The Daily Northwestern – “Northwestern professors build model for NASA Mars expedition.” North by Northwestern – “On a mission to Mars, teamwork makes the dream work.”

The Times of India The Times of India – “Mental health of Mars’ crew to be monitored.”

WBEZ WBEZ – “Who Can Handle Trip To Mars? Northwestern Helps NASA Predict Strains On Astronauts.”

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My Dream Team paper accepted at CHI 2019

A My Dream Team paper titled “Who Would You Like to Work With? Use of Individual Characteristics and Social Networks in Team Formation Systems,” was accepted at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI).

In this paper, we conducted a field study where 530 participants used a team formation system to assemble project teams. We describe how users’ traits and social networks influence their teammate searches, teammate choices, and team composition. Our results show that (a) what users initially search for differs from what they finally choose: initially they search for experts and sociable users, but they are ultimately more likely to choose their prior social connections; (b) users’ decisions lead to non- diverse and segregated teams, where most of the expertise and social capital are concentrated in a few teams.

Citation: Diego Gómez-Zará, Matthew Paras, Marlon Twyman, Jacqueline N. Lane, Leslie A. DeChurch, and Noshir S. Contractor. 2019. Who Would You Like to Work With?: Use of Individual Characteristics and Social Networks in Team Formation Systems. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages.

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