Noshir Contractor guest lecturer at Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities

Noshir Contractor, SONIC Director, was a guest lecturer from July 6th-10th at the Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities. The courses he taught included Introduction to Social Network Analysis, Descriptive Network Analytics, Predictive Network Analytics, and  Leveraging Computational Social Science to Address Grand Societal Challenges. Located at the Vienna University of Technology in Vienna, Austria, the “Summer School aims to discuss the possibilities of computer science-based research methods in the Digital Humanities while at the same time investigating the epistemological challenges of these methods as well as their theoretical bases and implications.”

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SONIC Presentations at INGRoup Conference

SONIC Members will present at the INGRoup Conference in Pittsburgh, PA on July 23rd-25th, 2015. The dates, times, and locations, as well as an abstract for each presentation, can be found below.



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Understanding the Assembly of Interdisciplinary Teams in an Emerging Scientific Field

Alina Lungeanu, Sophia Sullivan, Noshir Contractor

We examine the simultaneous effects of three sets of theoretical mechanisms – compositional, relational, and ecosystem– on team assembly in a nascent interdisciplinary scientific field. We empirically validate our hypotheses using hybrid agent-based and system dynamics computational models. Our findings contribute to our understanding of team assembly in emerging fields.

Funded by:




Looking for Leadership: Understanding Team Assembly in a Web Technology

Marlon Twyman, Amy Wax, Leslie A. DeChurch, Noshir S. Contractor

This presentation shares the empirical findings from two different studies that used a web-based team building platform, My Dream Team Builder, to facilitate the team assembly process. Survey and digital trace data are used for ERGM/p* analysis of leadership emergence and influence within groups.

Funded by:

U.S. Army Geospatial Center W5J9CQ-12-C-0017

National Science Foundation 0956059



Team size, boundary-spanning, and communication clarity: Readability, teams and information diversity in patent applications

Ryan Whalen, Hilla Brot, Noshir Contractor, Brian Uzzi

Using Patent Application data, we show that team size is positive correlated with the probability that an application will span technological boundaries. We also show that applications for boundary spanning inventions suffer from more difficult to understand writing, but that effect is mitigated by team size.

Funded by:

National Science Foundation CNS-1211375

Army Research Lab W911NF-09-2-0053



It’s Not Just What You Say – But Who You Say it to that Matters in MTSs: Conjoint Structural and Semantic Analyses of MTS Communications

Aaron Schecter, John Mathieu, Noshir Contractor

This paper combines structural methods with sentiment analysis to investigate how the pattern and content of communication impacts the performance of multiteam systems. Specifically, this study identifies within and between-team processes that are indicative of effective group communication. Additionally, each interaction is coded as “task-oriented” or “affective-oriented” using the text analysis software Diction. The interplay between the nature of the message and the direction of the message (within-team or between-team) is also shown to predict performance. This study combines the structural and semantic approaches and builds a model not based on “who said what” or “who talked to who,” but rather “who said what, to who.”

Funded by:

Army Research Lab W911NF-09-2-0053



How do emergency care teams create knowledge? An egocentric relational event model of communication events

Katherina Bohle Carbonell, Karen Könings, Segers Mien, Jeroen van Merrienboer

This study investigates how communication events in transactive memory systems support knowledge creation. Using egocentric relational event modeling, we report that the sequence of communication events begins with information retrieval and replies to those requests. Series of persistent co-constructions is also integral for teams to create knowledge.

Funded by:




Multiteam System Networks and Global Health: The Case of Bihar, India

Leslie DeChurch, Noshir Contractor, Michelle Shumate, Ivan Hernandez

Bihar is among the poorest states in India, with a population one third the size of the United States. Bihar’s residents experience some of the worst health outcomes in all of India: extremely high infant and maternal mortality rates, female iron deficiency, low birth weight, malnutrition, and polio (Bihar, 2014). To address these issues broadly, Bihar has in place a collection of different organizations that form the State Health Society (SHS). The SHS includes, government workers, development partners, and healthcare employees. Each fulfills their own goals while sharing the common superordinate goal of improving health. Despite the need for teams to work together to address global health, collaboration is difficult when people are from different teams. These challenges can arise from the structure of the network that inhibits inter-team collaboration. Teams may see each other as obstacles or be too centralized in their leadership thereby reducing knowledge sharing and advice seeking between teams. Further, the individuals may lack a common view of the overarching goal for all teams, focusing instead on more proximate goals. Therefore, achieving global health requires taking a multiteamsystem (MTS) perspective by understanding the positive and negative factors that affect collective success. Using this perspective, we seek to develop actionable solutions for the SHS by measuring the networks among SHS members as well as their perceptions of their proximal and superordinate goals. With this information, we will assess the extent to which the MTS embodies the properties needed for collective success, and provide recommendations to help them achieve their overall of goal of improved public health.

Funded by:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Global Development Grant 21640

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Family Health Division Grant 1084322


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TED Talk discusses Wikipedia and the culture of collaboration

tedIn the TED Talk “Why We Collaborate” Guy Raz talks to a series of people who have given TED Talks on the mysteries behind mass collaboration. Guest, Jimmy Wales, one of the creators of Wikipedia talks about how Wikipedia has become one of the most popular sites getting about 19 billions page views a month but could not have been what it is today without the help and collaboration of 80,000 volunteers all around the world. Wikipedia has created an atmosphere that allows people who are not in the same city let alone the same state maybe even country to work towards a common goal, spreading knowledge of music, history, math by way of Wikipedia. In addition to Wikipedia, Guy Raz brings Erik Michaels-Ober to talk about the app “Adopt a Hydrant” which is an app that worked with google maps and you could see where every hydrant was in Boston and then you could volunteer to adopt it and dig it out when the snow falls. You would think that no one would do such a thing but in fact thousands of people signed up to adopt a hydrant and together dug out thousands of hydrants in Boston thus bettering the city of Boston during snowfall.

You can listen to the whole TED Talk at

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The New Laws of Explosive Networks

Although network connectivity has always been thought of in a slow and constant manner, researchers have discovered that in special cases, connectivity begins with a bang (and ends with one too) in a phenomenon called “explosive percolation.” It stems from networks being so interconnected that a chain reaction develops, and has serious consequences. A possible solution to this is instead of (as in a traditional network) having random nodes connect to each other, allowing nodes to choose between two other random nodes, so it could choose whichever node has less previous connections. That way, if the connection fails, less nodes/connections will be affected.

To learn more (including how this was not discovered before), visit the article at:


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Innovation From Army Scientist May Change How We Conduct Network Science Research

This article posted by Yolanda R. Arrington, blogger for the United States Defense Department, describes the newest innovation in the field of network science. An army computer scientist has created a means of experimenting he calls the Dynamically Allocated Virtual Clustering Management System, or DAVC, for short. “The DAVC allows researchers to dynamically create, deploy, and manage virtual clusters of heterogeneous nodes within a cloud-computing environment.” Essentially, it enables researchers to configure intricate networking scenarios and test them in a controlled, repeatable method while also allowing for multiple experiments to be conducted simultaneously.
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Brooke Foucault-Welles and Noshir Contractor Receive Article of the Year Award for “Dynamic Models of Communication in an Online Friendship Network”

BrookeEach summer, the editorial board of Communication Methods and Measures, the official journal for the Communication Theory and Methodology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), nominates what they consider to be the three best articles published in the prior year. The executive board of CTM then chooses the winner of the Article of the Year Award from those three.


We are proud to announce that former SONIC graduate student, Brooke Foucault-Welles received the Article of the Year Award for her paper “Dynamic Models of Communication in an Online Friendship Network,” coauthored by Tony Vashevko, Nick Bennett and Noshir Contractor. Bennett was previously a SONIC research technologist and Vashevko was a SONIC research associate. This prestigious award will be presented at the AEJMC Annual Conference in San Francisco, California.


Click here for more information about the conference.

Click here to read the winning article.

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