Watch Noshir Contractor’s SIOP 2020 and MORS Brownbag Talk

A few months ago, Noshir Contractor presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP 2020) as well as at the Management and Organizations (MORS) Brownbag Series. His talk is on (Re-)pairing Teams for the Moon, and it is based on our NASA CREWS project. Check out a recording of the talk here:



  • Contractor, N. (2020, May). (Re-)pairing Teams for the Moon. Speaker at MORS Brownbag Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
  • Antonne, B., DeChurch, L. A., Bell, S., & Contractor, N. S. (2020, April 21-25). Re-Pairing Teams for Long-Duration Space Exploration. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) 2020, Virtual Conference.


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Two new book chapters in Psychology and Human Performance in Space Programs

Sharing some wonderful news — We have two new book chapters published! Congratulations to our SONIC authors: graduate student Brennan Antone, Research Assistant Professor Alina Lungeanu, and Lab Director Noshir Contractor.

Other authors include Suzanne Bell from KBR, Jessica Mesmer-Magnus from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and Alexa Harris, Ashley Niler and Leslie DeChurch from Northwestern University (ATLAS Lab).


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Contractor delivered a keynote speech at the 2020 ICA-affiliated New Media International (Virtual) Conference

Our lab director, Dr. Noshir Contractor, delivered a keynote speech at the 2020 ICA-affiliated New Media International (Virtual) Conference in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). The virtual conference featured past and present presidents of ICA — including Claes de Vreese, Terry Flew, Peng Hwa Ang, and Patrice Buzzanell — and attracted 506 participants, including faculties and students at SJTU. The conference centers around Intelligent Communication and Social Concerns and Dr. Noshir Contractor presented his research on “Teaming in the Time of Covid-19.” This conference is the first official event Dr. Contractor took part in as part of the ICA leadership team. 


For more information about the conference, check out the event details here and a news article covering the conference here.



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Congratulations Noshir Contractor, ICA’s newest President-Elect-Select!

Congratulations, Noshir Contractor!

We are thrilled for your election as ICA’s newest President-Elect-Select. We are excited for what’s to come and we hope the rest of your year will be filled with more happiness and exciting news.

As always, we are thankful for your leadership, hard work, and support!


See the results here:
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Welcome to SONIC, Neelam and Aaron!

We are thrilled to welcome two new members of the SONIC Research Group! 

This year, we have two new Ph.D. Students: Aaron Campbell and Neelam Modi. Aaron just received his Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is joining the Media, Technology, and Society (MTS) program. Neelam, on the other hand, is joining the Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences (IEMS) program here at Northwestern after working as a consultant for the last two years.

Head over to their pages on our website to learn more about them.


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Watch Noshir and Leslie’s Welcome Plenary at INGRoup 2020!

Last week, Professors Noshir Contractor and Leslie DeChurch presented a welcome plenary at #INGROUP2020. The talk covers some of our findings from our Enterprise Social Media (ESM) project, particularly the changes in which Covid-19 imposed on organizational communication and network ties. If you missed the talk, check out a recording of their talk here!

Thank you @INGRoupOfficial for recording the plenary! 

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New Data Science Interns this Fall!

This quarter, we have two new data science interns at the SONIC Research Group: Aida Baimenova and Piyush Kalkute. Both of them took Professor Noshir’s Social Network Analytics class in the past and have been interested in social networks ever since. 

Aida Baimenova is a junior at the IEMS department. She will be working with our grad student Kyosuke on Project RED, a multi-team problem-solving exercise designed for NASA to help their effort in sending a multidisciplinary team to Mars in the next 20 years. Piyush is a graduate student pursuing Computer Science. He will be working with our Research Assistant Professor Alina and our second-year graduate student Jasmine on the Science of Team Science project that aims to understand and assemble cross-boundary teams to conduct clinical and translational science. 

Head over to our Data Science Intern page here to learn a little bit more about them!

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Noshir and Leslie will be delivering the Welcome Plenary at INGroup 2020

We are excited to announce that our Lab Director Noshir Contractor and ATLAS’ Lab Director Leslie DeChurch will be delivering the Welcome Plenary titled Teaming in the Time of COVID-19: Reconfiguration of Workplace Communication Networks” at the 15th Annual 2020 INGRoup Conference.
They will present their latest work on Enterprise Social Media and the effect COVID-19 has on the nature of work and teams. As many of us may have known, COVID-19 strongly affected the working force, forcing many, if not all, companies to transition to remote work. This transition, in turn, changed an organization’s communication structure and produced interesting effects.
Check out a full description of their speech here and join the livestream here. It’ll be this Thursday (Oct 1) from 10AM – 11AM EDT.
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SONIC at OCMC 2020

Although this year’s OCMC 2020 have a different feel (i.e. virtual conference), we are delighted to announce that four of our graduate students (Diego Gomez-Zara, Jasmine Wu, Kyosuke Tanaka, and Niloufar Izadinia) were presenting there!

Diego Gomez-Zara kicks off our SONIC speakers on Friday (09/25) at OCMC 2020 with his poster presentation titled “Do I know you? The effects of social capital on self-assembled teams.”

On Saturday (09/26), Jasmine presented her work on “Status and network mobilization in organizations during the times of COVID-19,” while Niloufar presented her work on “New metrics for evaluating individual and team performance in multi-team systems” during poster session.

On Sunday (09/27), our 6th year graduate student Kyosuke Tanaka also presented his talk on “Positional and Dispositional Factors That Predict Who Commits Social Network Routing Errors and Who Learns from Them” during the Organizing Online and Offline Session. 

Kyosuke presented his research “Positional and Dispositional Factors That Predict Who Commits Social Network Routing Errors and Who Learns from Them”

Find out more about the conference here.

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Check out our latest publication!

We are beyond thrilled to share our latest publication at the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Patent Similarity Data and Innovation Metrics.

Congratulations to authors Drs. Ryan Whalen, Alina Lungeanu, Leslie de Church, and Noshir Contractor!

Citation: Whalen, R., Lungeanu, A., DeChurch, L. and Contractor, N. (2020), Patent Similarity Data and Innovation Metrics. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 17: 615-639. doi:10.1111/jels.12261

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