Noshir Contractor at the NU Digital Marketing and Computer Science Workshop

Earlier this week, Professor Noshir Contractor attended Northwestern University and Adobe Research’s Digital Marketing and Computer Science Workshop. This workshop brings together people and ideas from the field of Digital Marketing and Computer Science with the hope of finding a new intersection between the two and creating a medium for individuals to network for future communication and collaboration.

In the workshop, Professor Contractor shared his insights during the “Understanding Consumer Behavior in Digital Environments” Panel. Other speakers in the panel include Ashlee Humphreys from Northwestern Medill/Kellogg and Georgios Theocharous from Adobe Research.

More information about this workshop can be found here.

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Check out our new podcast, Untangling the Web

This year, we are proud to announce that we are hosting a podcast of the Web Science Trust called Untangling the Web. Untangling the Web is created to improve society’s understanding of the web, promote the Web’s positive impact on society, and ultimately change the Web for the better. In this platform, we bring thought leaders from around the world to explore how the Web is shaping society and how society in turn is shaping the web. Guest speakers include Professor Gina Neff from the Oxford Internet Institute, Professor Sandy Pentland from MIT, Professor Dame Wendy Hall from the University of Southampton, Professor James Hendler from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Professor Susan Halford from the University of Bristol, Professor Filippo Menczer from Indiana University, and Professor Jen Golbeck from the University of Maryland. 


Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast from major podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple, Google and SoundCloud. Follow our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for updates.


More details can be found at and check out this recent press release about the podcast here



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Houston, We have a feature!

Houston, We have a feature!!! A new episode of Houston We Have a Podcast, the official podcast of NASA just dropped today! Today’s episode features none other than our amazing Lab Director Noshir Contractor and our lovely collaborators Leslie DeChurch and Suzanne Bell. Listen to their conversation on team compositions, team processes, and essentially all about team science here.

More details about the episode:

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Noshir Contractor presented at the University of Buffalo’s Virtual Brown Bag Series and Global HR Forum

Noshir Contractor recently presented at the Virtual Brown Bag Series at the University of Buffalo and the Global HR Forum.

  • At the Virtual Brown Bag Series, his presentation titled “Using Digital Traces to Leverage Network Insights During COVID-19 Today – and in Space in the Future” featured some of our latest works on digital traces and how we can gain network insights from these data.
  • At the Global HR Forum (글로벌인재포럼) 2020, Noshir Contractor was one of the panelists during the “Big Data and the Future of Human Resources Management” session. Other speakers in the session include Sidney Yang (CEO, Heartcount), Heather Whiteman (Fellow, Future Workplace), and Eun Jinki (Partner, HR Strategy, re:BOX Consulting).


Contractor, N. (2020, November). Using Digital Traces to Leverage Network Insights During COVID-19 Today – and in Space in the Future. Speaker at the Virtual Brown Bag Series Department of Organization and Human Resources, School of Management, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.

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Noshir Presenting at NCA 2020 Tomorrow!

Tomorrow (11/20), Noshir Contractor will be presenting at the National Communication Association (NCA) Convention. He will discuss topics surrounding AI and teams as part of a panel titled Team Communication Research in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.

Other speakers in the panel include:

  • Brooke Foucault Welles from Northeastern University
  • Javier Garcia from US CCDC Army Research Laboratory
  • Nina Lauharatanahirun from University of Pennsylvania and US CCDC Army Research Laboratory
  • Andrew Gambino from Penn State University
  • Christoph Riedl from Northeastern University
  • Leslide DeChurch from Northwestern University

More details on the panel can be found below:

Title: Team Communication Research in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Fri, 11/20: 3:30 PM 4:45 PM EST
Room: Zoom Room 17
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has accelerated at a rapid pace in recent years, presenting novel opportunities and challenges to the study of team communication. In this panel, we bring together experts who use AI in many different aspects of their team communication research, including: AI-supported data collection and analysis, behavioral modeling and prediction in teams, agent-based modeling of teams, and hybrid human-agent teams. This panel will feature short individual presentations about leading edge AI-team research, followed by discussion of critical issues in this domain including data security, ethics, privacy, and student training. Together, we aim to outline an agenda for future work where AI is thoughtfully integrated into team communication research.
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We have a new patent!

We are pleased to announce the grant of US Patent No. 10,795,896.

Our utility patent on Systems and Methods for Automatically Identifying Specific Teams of Users To Solve Specific and Real-time Problems describes a social network platform used to facilitate project team assembly.

The grant of this patent recognizes the quality of the innovation and research carried out by SONIC.

Congratulations to our inventors: Anup Sawant, Harshad Gado, and Noshir Contractor.

Check out our USPTO report for more information regarding the patent and/or software.

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Watch Noshir Contractor’s SIOP 2020 and MORS Brownbag Talk

A few months ago, Noshir Contractor presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP 2020) as well as at the Management and Organizations (MORS) Brownbag Series. His talk is on (Re-)pairing Teams for the Moon, and it is based on our NASA CREWS project. Check out a recording of the talk here:



  • Contractor, N. (2020, May). (Re-)pairing Teams for the Moon. Speaker at MORS Brownbag Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
  • Antonne, B., DeChurch, L. A., Bell, S., & Contractor, N. S. (2020, April 21-25). Re-Pairing Teams for Long-Duration Space Exploration. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) 2020, Virtual Conference.


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Two new book chapters in Psychology and Human Performance in Space Programs

Sharing some wonderful news — We have two new book chapters published! Congratulations to our SONIC authors: graduate student Brennan Antone, Research Assistant Professor Alina Lungeanu, and Lab Director Noshir Contractor.

Other authors include Suzanne Bell from KBR, Jessica Mesmer-Magnus from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and Alexa Harris, Ashley Niler and Leslie DeChurch from Northwestern University (ATLAS Lab).


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